Part 2

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Chapter Two

"Prince Academy of Dance, ballet duet. You're on next. The curtains will close to allow the pervious dancers to clear and then you can go on stage." The Stage Manager explained to them.

"Could I talk to you straight after our duet? It's about our final group dance." Harry asked of the stage manager.

"Of course, but you will need to make it quick. Now you're on."

"Now for a small dance academy set in Surrey. Run by the principal Madam Eileen Prince, the Prince Academy of Dance. For their first performance of the night dancing to Balada para Adelina please welcome to the stage Miss Hermione Jean Granger and Mr Harry James Potter." The compare introduced the pair who were in place ready to perform.

Lucius and Draco entered as the compare had just come onto the stage to announce the next dance school. They had found Severus and Lily sat down near the front about five rows back.

"Hurry and sit down, they're about to perform." Lily beckoned them to hurry to their seats.

"Ok Lily keep your pants on."

The lights faded and the curtains opened, and the bright white follow spotlight landed on Hermione dressed a beautiful diamante embroided tutu in pure white. A sparkly tiara placed dead straight on her head that had not one strand of hair out of place.

The music started and Hermione moved around the stage without fault on full pointe not a step out of time.

Harry joined her in white ballet tights with a crushed black velvet body jacket on. His hair gelled back neatly.

They were both in sync with each other and it was full flowing and graceful.

Eileen Prince stood at the back of the audience watching her two-star pupils perform until someone approached her.

"She looks good out there tonight. Am I still on for later?" the man asked the aged dance teacher.

"She will be yours tonight." Madam Prince didn't bother to look who it was.

"I can't wait until they perform S&M at the end. A fantasy comes true." The male left and headed to take his seat at the back in a quiet corner.

Harry and Hermione completed their duet and they then rushed off the stage so that the next dance could go on, which was the juniors of the Dance School.

"Hermione go and get ready for your solo number. I just need to chat to the stage manager, oh and don't forget your iPod." Harry hugged Hermione and headed over to talk to the stage manager.

Hermione headed to the allocated dressing room where Justine had placed her solo costume and prop ready for her. Plus, she had also laid out her Academy uniform. She started to change.

"Yes of course, I just need the iPod with the music, and I can play it from back here. I just need to tell the sound guys to not play the music that they have and to play from the iPod. It's that simple." The stage manager explained to Harry.

"Thank you, sir. But please don't tell our Principle as she wants us to perform S&M."

The stage manager was shocked after hearing what song they should have performed to.

"Yeah, and we have 14-year-olds in that dance." Harry told him.

"Well, I am defiantly not allowing you to perform to that music. It's actually banned from Dance Schools and Academies. So how did she get that through then?"

Hermione was nearly ready, and she grabbed her next costume which would be a quick change which she would have to do at the side of the stage. She also grabbed her iPod from her bag and set it up to play the correct song in her soundtracks.

She headed backstage and passed her Academy uniform to Adam and told him to be ready for her as she came straight off.

"Sir, I have my iPod and its set to the right track for you." Hermione handed her iPod to the stage manager who set it up in the iPod dock station.

"Thank you; I'll just radio it through to the sound guys to not put S&M on for you." The stage manager smiled at her.

Harry came back up after changing into his uniform.

"Good luck Hermione, I think that Dray will like what you have done to his new solo song." Harry smiled.

"DRAY? You don't mean Lord Lucius Malfoy's son! You have got to be kidding me! Plus, he is here in the audience. Why didn't you tell me who was singing the song that you gave me?" Hermione was in shock.

"Hey don't worry Hermione. He's a close friend to my family. Go and knock him dead Hermione."

"Now then for another solo artist performing to Draco Malfoy's new solo, Time Well Spent. Please welcome back onto the stage Miss Hermione Jean Granger." The compare introduced Hermione to the stage again.

Harry got his iPhone out and started filming Hermione from side stage so that he could send it to Dray's video production team.

Draco actually sat forwards in his seat to watch the girl perform to his new song.

"I hope that she does justice to my new song." Draco prayed that the girl didn't flop.

Hermione was dressed in a pair of smart black dress pants, jazz trainers, and a white short sleeved shirt with the top two buttons undone. She also had a prop acoustic guitar which Hermione pretended to play some of the tune.

The dance was a mixed of character and modern dance, where she mimed what the lyrics were and combined them with modern dance.

Near the end, she had pulled off her pants and shirt to reveal a glitzy tuxedo all in one costume decorated in sparkly black and white sequins.

Draco applauded Hermione and stood up from his seat. He enjoyed Hermione's interpretation of his new single.

"Father, Uncle Sev, Aunt Lily. I definitely want her as a backing singer/dancer on my next tour around the UK. She is one cracker of a dancer. Harry has chosen well with her." Draco told them.

"Calm down Draco, we just need to see her performing as a group now. Then we will make our decision after the final dance." Severus tried to calm his Godson down.

"I don't care if she doesn't get in. I want her on my tour." Draco started sulking in his seat.

Hermione rushed off the stage and changed into her Academy uniform where Adam was stood ready for her.

"We're home and dry. Just our final group dance to do." Harry smiled at Hermione.

"Are you all ready?" The stage manager asked of them.

"Yes, we are. Thank you for helping us with the change. Come on Princes lets perform our hearts out." Harry called to the team.

"Now for their final dance of the night. I give you the Prince Academy of Dance."

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