Part 3

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Chapter Three

Dancing Fool started playing through the speakers. Madam Prince was not happy neither was the man from earlier.

He got out his handgun and checked the ammo and then took the safety off.

The group onstage were all happy with their final dance and they were all performing from their hearts.

Lucius, Severus, Lily and Draco were watching the group wondering why they were dancing in their Academy uniforms. But it didn't bother them one bit.

Harry and Hermione smiled at each other happy that they had managed to not perform S&M.

They had nearly finished the dance; the man got up from his seat and headed towards the exit. As the music ended, he turned back and aimed at Hermione and the fired his gun.

Audience members started to scream as gunfire was heard. The man exited the auditorium and headed out of the building.

Harry was on the floor holding Hermione in his arms in shock. She was bleeding out in his hands. Justine had tears in her eyes and took off her Academy jacket and pressed it over the gunshot wound.


Harry tried to keep Hermione awake by talking to her.

"Hermione stay with me girl."

Hermione's eyes opened slightly. She looked up to see that she was in the arms of Harry.

Severus, Lily and Draco rushed up onto the stage to check out what was happening.

"Harry son, are you ok?" Lily asked of her son.

Harry didn't answer his mum and tried to keep focusing on Hermione. Lily was getting worried about him.

"An ambulance has been called and also the police. I can't believe that this has happened. She's such a brilliant dancer as well. Who could have done such a thing? I hope that she survives." The stage manager told them.

Lucius noticed that Severus's mum was at the back of the auditorium. He slowly made his way over to her.

"So, it's you that run's the Prince's Academy then. You're not going anywhere Eileen after what I've heard about the Academy behind closed doors. I've had private investigators check out things after you wrote to me asking for financial help. But what I was told about the Academy! You are going down Eileen, just like your husband."

"I'm innocent Lucius, innocent. I haven't done any wrongdoing." Eileen pleaded to Lucius.

"Oh, so you aren't selling your senior girls on the side to your old male buddies then as prostitutes. Plus, you've had a serial killer also around the Academy pupils. And I bet that it was him who fired the gun tonight wasn't it? Where is he Eileen? Where is Fenrir Greyback the mass murderer?"

The ambulance technicians rushed in to check on their new patient. The police also followed behind them to check on what was happening.

"Please just save her. She means the world to me." Harry started to cry as he noticed someone trying to help Hermione.

"Don't worry we will try and help your friend. We just need you to let go of her so that we can help and get her better." One of the technicians asked of Harry.

"Come on Harry. Let them save Hermione." Draco pulled Harry away.

Harry slowly got up and moved away from Hermione covered in her blood. He was still in shock as to what was happening. Harry then noticed Lucius talking to Madam Prince at the back of the auditorium. He decided to confront his dance tutor that he trusted over the years.

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