Part 13

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Hermione turned up at the theatre about three hours late. She was holding Lucius's hand as they walked onto the stage. Draco was sat down on the front extension with Severus stood up looking up to see Harry do his stunts.

"Nice of you to show up Miss Granger, you have lost out of three hours practice. This isn't good enough." Severus snapped.

"Give Hermione a break Uncle Sev. It's good to see you Hermione; I brought your harness down along with your practice gear." Draco got up and handed the girl her harness and sweats.

"Thanks Dray, I'll just go and get ready in the wings." Hermione let go of Lucius's hand and headed down into the empty crew room.

The flying crew came onto the stage whilst one of them brought in Hermione's wires and flew Harry down onto the stage.

Draco handed Harry the wrist strap and made sure that it was securely tightened on his wrist. Lucius stood at the front of the stage next to his best friend Severus.

"So, you're calling the reinforcements then?" Severus asked of the man.

"Yes, Kingsley and the others will be here in a couple of hours. He had to pull the original team together." Lucius replied.

"Oh, not Tonks and Remus Lupin, Sirius Black! Oh man I can't be putting up with their antics that they did back in our school days." Severus mentioned.

"Yes, plus you will have to look after the Lupin's son Theodore. Well, his nickname is Teddy; he's the same age as the twins. So at least he will have a couple of playmates. Plus, Harry hasn't seen his godson since he was in his 7th year at school."

"Fine, I will call Lily and ask her to bring the twins so that they can meet Teddy when they all arrive."

Hermione walked onto the stage and was getting checked out by the safety officer in the flying team. After giving her all clear, they attached Hermione to her flying wires and then lifted her up so that she could be put into place off stage.

The Eve of the War started up again. They went through the whole routine. Lucius stood at the front next to his son and Severus.

Lucius stared up at Hermione as she was doing her routine.

"You are in love with her aren't you dad?" Draco asked never leaving his eyes from his finance.

"Son, do you think that you can live with me dating a girl who is virtually the same age as you?" Lucius asked the dreaded question.

"Dad, you deserve to be happy after what mum has put you through. Keep her safe and close to your heart. Hermione is a keeper." Draco hugged his dad and continued watching Hermione and Harry in the air.

They practiced nonstop for the next four hours when they noticed that the rest of the cast and principles were filtering onto the stage.

Charlie walked up to Draco.

"How is she doing? She was so down hearted when she was holed up in my spare room." Charlie asked the Malfoy heir.

"She seems to be doing better now. I think that she has been talking to my dad though. Plus, his security team will be here soon. So, security will be tight from now on." Draco mentioned.

"Ok, as long as Lord Malfoy debriefs the Production team and the theatre staff about the backstage passes and that they needed to be shown at all times going in and out of the building." Charlie replied.

"Oh, I will make sure that Dad briefs the theatre staff and Production Team. Plus, I think all of you have to be told as well." Draco headed off stage to carry on chatting to Hermione's old school friend.

"Right then, everyone have a good Christmas and we shall see you all on the 27th of the opening day of the panto. Goodnight to you all and have a safe journey home." The Producer announced to the cast, crew and the band.

They all headed off in their different directions to get dressed. Lucius was currently talking to the Production team about security.

"Is that ok with everyone? They must produce their backstage passes or no entry at all. The security will be strict with a mass murderer on the loose as well."

The Production meeting was over, Lucius headed up towards Hermione and Harry's dressing room and waited outside. Harry came out to see his father-in-law to be standing waiting.

"She's just finishing getting ready; she will be out in a little while." Harry headed downstairs chatting to some of the male chorus as they came out of their dressing room one floor down.

Draco was talking to the MD in the auditorium just packing up his music for the night. He had received a call earlier in the day saying that the MD of tour had called to say that he had been called to a family emergency over in Canada and that wouldn't be able to be on the tour.

"Would you be available to come on a UK tour?" Draco asked of him.

"I'm not sure as I am a teacher."

"Not a problem, I can get a music teacher to cover you when you are with us on tour. I'm trying to give people their dreams, plus with the band that you have here, I would love for them to come with you." Draco told him.

"Then can I talk to the band and then get back to you? You will get your answer by the end of run."

"Of course. Have a lovely Christmas."

Harry headed to the stage door still chatting with the chorus. They were asking what he was going to do after he had finished the Pantomime run.

"Going on tour as lead male dancer with Dray on his tour 'Draco Malfoy: Live and Dangerous'. Hermione is the lead female dancer with us as well." Harry told them.

"Draco Malfoy? He's the famous solo artist, isn't he?" One of them asked.

"Yeah, he's my other half." Harry stated proudly.

"Well, who can blame him? He's good looking."

"Who's good looking?"

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