Part 7

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"Father, where is Hermione? She was supposed to be practicing with Harry this afternoon." Draco asked of his father who was in his study with the twins Emily and Forlan who were just going through some of their schoolwork that they had to finish.

"She's in Knightsbridge at the moment son." Lucius replied without looking up from his computer going through some important documents.

"Severus needs her for this afternoon to start on Big Spender with Harry and myself." Draco was raising his voice.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy! You watch your tone with me. I have already told Severus this morning that Hermione wouldn't be rehearsing this afternoon as I have sent her on an all-day spa and shopping therapy as I have requested her service for tonight's party." Lucius told his son.

"What party?" Draco was puzzled.

"I've been invited to the after-show party of one of the West End shows that Severus helped Lily choreograph with. Lily is in attendance with Severus and they extended the invitation to me and your mother. But as Narcissa and I are currently divorcing I have found myself dateless and I have asked Hermione if she would come with me. Now I presume that Lily has already asked Harry to babysit Emily and Forlan so I think that you will be staying in tonight." Lucius leaned back in his office chair.

"Oh man babysitting duty tonight! I had something planned as well for tonight." Draco moaned.

"Well, I'm sorry son; you will have to change your plans." Lucius shut down his computer and then got up.

"It's ok. I'll just have to take Emily and Forlan with us to the restaurant that we are going to. Excuse me father, I have to go and ring up the restaurant and change the table settings for two adults and two kids. Plus, I have to ask Lily's permission to take them out." Draco walked out of Lucius's study to go and talk to Lily and Severus about the twins.

Lucius called for Dobby and asked him to draw up a bath for him and to call up Harrods to ask what colour dress that Hermione was wearing so that he could colour co-ordinate with her.

"Certainly, my Lord." Dobby answered.

"Dobby, you can call me Lucius in private you know. We have been old school friends." Lucius told his butler.

"Of course, my Lord." Dobby turned away and smiled to himself as Lucius turned towards his bedroom shaking his head.

"Dobby don't you never change." He shouted back.

"Never my lord."

"You promise that Emily and Forlan will be in bed for no later than 10.30 tonight then Draco?" Severus was just finishing putting his cufflinks in his buttonholes of his sleeves.

"Of course, Uncle Severus. I'll take full responsibility if they aren't." Draco told them.

"Oh, Severus give it a rest. Of course, you can take the twins, just make sure that they don't have too much desert, or you will have two very hyper kids to deal with when you get back. Oh, and don't forget that Forlan is not allowed any nuts at all. Ask the waiter about nut allergy free food. Harry knows also, I don't want to get called away from the party because Forlan is in St Mungo's children's A&E." Lily mentioned.

"Yes, Aunt Lily. You both go and enjoy yourselves as me and Harry will go and tell the twins that they are going out tonight." Draco got up from the powder stool and headed out of Severus and Lily's bedroom.

"Ask Twinky to get the twins ready for tonight. Enjoy yourselves. And remember you have been forewarned."

Severus and Lily went to the front doors where Lucius was standing in his black Armani three-piece suit and his snake cane leaning against the door. Lucius was checking himself in the mirror making sure that he was looking perfect for his date.

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