The Boy From My Dreams

Start from the beginning

A shadow slowly comes into view and towards me at a brisk pace. I am certainly not imagining this. Before I can back away enough to escape, I blackout, losing all consciousness before I even hit the ground.


I awake for the second time this morning. The sun was again hitting my eyes. It was all a dream. There was no shadow, I'm fine. Yet, a part of me knows that's not true. A part of me knows that what happened with the shadow was real, as crazy as it seems.

It is then that I realize that I am not actually in my bed. Rather, I am on the ground... somewhere. It's not so hard it's uncomfortable, but not so soft that I could lay here forever. I open my eyes to find myself on the sand, next to a beach... with the forest around me.

Ah, that's it. I'm just dreaming again. They usually never feel this real. Again, a part of me knows this is not a dream, but logic takes over saying that it's impossible. 

I look around frantically, looking for any signs of life. No one seemingly for miles. I walk towards the shore, watching the waves crash and wash up against the sand beneath my feet. The beautiful ocean that goes on for miles past the horizon reflects the bright sunlight. I hear something, a rustling of leaves, behind me finally, but look to see nothing. Still.

This is never how my dreams go. Someone is usually always there, I'm almost never alone. I hear the noise again and look to see a really tall boy walk out from behind some bushes, a few boys following behind him. The tall guy looks vaguely familiar like he could have been one of the boys from my dreams. But I can see his facial features this time. I can see a scar running down his face and his hair is rattled like he hasn't cared for it in days, maybe weeks.

He gives me a creepy smile, churning my insides with fear. My feelings were far too real for this to be a dream. Everything is far more real than any dream I have ever had before. He takes a few steps toward me. Every instinct in my body tells me to run, but my feet stay rooted to the wet sand beneath me.

"Pan's going to like this one," he says walking even closer. Still, I stay. "What's your name?"

"Zai," I respond without hesitation. Wondering why this felt so easy to me, I gain a little confidence. "Who are you?"

"I ask the questions here. Follow me." I feel obligated to follow, yet not scared.

I follow him for what seems like forever when we reach an opening in the forest where a cute little camp sits. Exactly like the one from my dreams. A few more boys are wandering around the sight, talking or working.

This cannot be happening. There is no way this is real, I won't believe it. Yet everything is exactly how I had seen it before, but more in focus, more crisp. I cannot grasp the fact that I am actually here, but maybe I'm not.

The few boys in front of me lead me to a specific tent, the biggest of them here. 

"Pan," the boy calls. "We've got someone for you. A girl."

"A girl?" a confused British accent calls from inside. A few noises, some shuffling, then the door opening, and there he was. The boy, exactly like I had imagined him from my dream, stands right before me, looking at me with the same shock I feel towards him at this moment.

His eyes, his lips, his cheeks, everything about him, just as I remember. He looks at me with a matching look of recognition. I could not fathom what I was actually seeing. The boy I had longed for years is here, right now, in front of my eyes. The camp, the beach, the boy, everything is actually here. How?

"We're good now Felix, thanks," he says without a glance toward him. The boy named Felix shrugs and walks away. "What's your name?" he asks me quietly, taking one small step towards me. 

I don't break our eye contact, I cant

"My name is Zai," I say almost dreamily. "What's yours?"

"I'm Peter, Peter Pan."

The boy I have been dreaming about for ages, since I was little, and I finally know his name. I'm thrilled that I have finally met the boy, but I'm also confused. How am I actually here? 

"Peter, where am I?" I ask him, still not breaking eye contact with him. "I mean, I've been dreaming about you since I was a kid. How am I here? And why now?"

He hesitates, seemingly not knowing the answer to my question. "You're in Neverland and I don't know why you're here, but I've been dreaming about you too. I don't even know for how long..."

I look away from his eyes and to my feet. 

"Am I actually here? Am I just dreaming again Peter?" I ask suddenly getting sad. I have wanted to come here for years and be with the boy I love, but what if I am only imagining it? What if I am not actually here?

"You're here love. Trust me. Does this feel fake to you?" he asks, bringing his hand up to my shoulders. It certainly feels real.

"And what about this," he says, sliding his hands slowly down my arms. Again, very real. Butterflies fill my stomach at his touch. This feels more real than consciousness.

"And this," he says quieter and squeezes my hand lightly. I squeeze back.

"And this." He basically whispers as he leans in and softly places his lips against mine. Immediately a burst of electricity flies from his lips to my whole body. I close my eyes and kiss him back, not wanting him to pull away.

Soon, our lips are moving harmoniously together in a dance I am sure to never get tired of. I never wanted him to stop kissing me.

Just as quickly as it started, it ends. He pulls back, both of our lips still lingering on the kiss. I reopen my eyes to see him smiling at me. I smile back.

"I don't think you know how long I've wanted to do that," he says, still quietly.

I giggle a little bit in response. "Me too."

With a smile, he grabs my hand softly and leads me into the center of the camp. The campfire is sunlight and the few boys around us peak their heads up in interest.

"Zai, welcome to your new home!"


Thank you for reading, I hope that this meets your expectations. Plz feel free to leave more requests for me. Again, thank you for reading! I am hoping to have some more time to write in the next few months.

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