{20} Sleep now sweetheart

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I went down stairs  and as I passed by the kitchen I was thrilled to see my mum cooking. She rarely cooks but when she does it tastes magnificent. Me on the other hand could not cook for shit. My cooking skills extend to a full english and that's it. You ask me to make anything else I can guarantee the house is getting burnt down.

 I ambled on opening the door to reveal the boys. Al, Danny and Eli appeared to be gleeful whereas Carter looked exasperated.

"What happened to you?" I asked as the rest of the boys entered my house.

"Let's just say Eli knows how to piss off people," I snorted at that knowing how true that is. "And them two weren't helping. If anything they were encouraging him. Fucking accomplices," he grumbled.

I grabbed both of his cheeks, squeezing them as I cooed, "Aww. Is the little baby upset?"

In an instant he slapped my hands off his cheeks looking more aggravated than he was when he arrived. Pink splotches blossomed across his cheeks cause me to gape in shock. 

"Are you blushing?!" I exclaimed causing everyone to turn and witness the sight before me. Everyone broke out into fits of laughter once they saw the pink turn to red and spread to his ears.

"Who's red now?" I couldn't help but taunt.

Hearing the noise coming from the living room my mum asked, "Are they here yet?"

"No. Some kidnappers are here to take me away but I thought I'd have a laugh with them before they took me," I sarcastically replied before my mum came in the room.

"Oi. No need for the cheek," she said as she looked over everyone. As soon as she spotted Eli she gave him a hug saying, "Hi honey I didn't know you were coming."

"Thought I'd come and see what you think of these dickheads." 

"Why is Eli allowed to swear but I'm not allowed to be sarcastic? It's hardly fair," I whined.

"It is hardly fair but I have a favourite so what can you do about it."

"Yes. I always knew I was the favourite child," Eli declared while pumping his arm in the air.

"I can't believe you just admitted to favouritism." The boys just watched us with amusement as we went back and forth.

"You two really are like brother and sister," Al commented.

"Crap. I haven't even introduced myself. I'm Aubrey, Scarlett's mother," I snorted as she made an attempt at being fancy.

When they clocked it was their turn to introduce themselves the looked like they were going to shit themselves. It was funny seeing three guys who look tough as nails get nervous. It slightly warmed me to know they cared enough about meeting my mum to get nervous.

"Can we go eat now? I'm bloody starving," I said once the introductions were over, eager to see what my mum made.

"Fat bitch," Eli muttered beside me so only I could hear him. I lightly jabbed him in the ribs with my elbow as payback. Emphasis on the lightly. He thought it would be fun to cause a big scene by moaning and groaning in pain as he pretended to be injured while he rambled on about how I could have caused some serious damage. 

The boys didn't even acknowledge him knowing he was just throwing a fit. My mum on the other hand knew Eli loved to be over dramatic but still, she babied him as if he was 10 years old, giving him exactly what he wanted. 

"He's a 17 year old boy I'm sure he can live from a slight poke," I defended when my mum was done scolding me about hurting him while Eli would add in comments about him being fragile.

Falling for redحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن