{16} Never have I ever

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Everyone was playing games on the top floor. As I entered the room I saw everyone sitting in a circle. It took my eyes a couple of seconds to adjust to the bright, white lights compared to the strobing colourful lights downstairs. I recognised a handful of them; Danny, Eli, Eli's girl he was chatting to, Logan, Carter, Al, Hannah, the girl I was grinding on earlier and Lissy. The rest were either jocks or cheerleaders, well this is either going to be really fun or a shit show.

I managed to get a seat next to Lissy but I was also next to Carter. I put my arm around her as he turned around to face me. He looked surprised I was being this friendly with a girl. To clear up his assumptions of us being friends I grabbed her chin tilting her head, giving her a kiss. I ignored the shocked looks I got from others as I faced him with a smirk. 

Now he understood he looked at the girl checking her out before looking back at me shrugging as if to say decent. I scrunched my eyebrows and narrowed my eyes at his before moving to Hannah. Hannah was pretty but Lissy was much better. 

He just shook his head. I ran my eyes down Lissy's figure before looking back at his to get my point across. We than had a challenging stare eventually he looked away and I could see the defeat in his eyes. He then focused his eyes on Lissy's chest. I pinched his thigh as discreetly as I could so I didn't get Hannah's or Lissy's attention. He looked at me with a mixture of shock and anger, I just raised my eyebrows.

A clap brought us out of our conversation and it was then I realised I had been having a mental conversation with Carter and we understood each other. I couldn't do that with anyone even Eli and he knew me more than I knew myself. I pushed the thought in the back of my mind as we started the game. Someone lifted up a bottle of vodka and we all cheered.

"Never have I ever had sex." Everyone took a shot minus Eli and his bird. Aww how cute.

"Never have I ever gotten a tattoo." Me and Carter clinked our glasses together before downing the shot. We were the only two who took a shot.

"I didn't know you had any tats."

"Got a few."

"Show us."

"All on my chest. Trying to get me naked Red?" He raised his eyebrow.

"I wasn't but there isn't any complaints here if you want to take your top off," I said honestly not that I'd ever tell him it was the truth. I just chuckled once I saw the look Hannah was giving us.

 I'm not a homewrecker never have been never will be but that doesn't mean it's not fun toying about with Hannah. There not even together right now. Besides it's just banter. Me and Carter may have kept our arguing to a minimum but that doesn't mean I like him, if anything he's just becoming more tolerable.

The questions were supposed to progressively get harder but the only thing I noticed was that I was drinking each round and so was Carter. I refused believe we were so alike but the thought kept coming into my brain as if there was two devils on my shoulders whispering it in my ear. Oh wait there was! Danny and Al. They wouldn't shut the fuck up about how we were the boy and girl version of each other.

"Never have I ever had a threesome." I was the only one who took a shoot as all heads turn to face me. I just shrugged.

"Who with?" Al asked like the curious bitch he was.

"Back in England. 1 boy, 1 girl."

"Who was hotter?"

"Girl deffo."

"You got a picture of her." I just laughed at Al's inquiries before telling him I'll show him later.

After that we decided to play say it or shot it. Half of the people playing never have I ever had blacked out. It was now me, Eli, three musketeers, Logan and two rugby players called Chace and George. I was the only girl. I was now sat in between Al and Eli. This time we went around in a circle each of us asking a question unlike when we played never have I ever, only one person had spoke.

It was George's turn first, he asked, "What's the worst date you've been on?" I took a shot as everyone else told their stories. "That bad?" George asked.

"I guess you'll never know," I smirked.

Chace said, "Longest relationship you've ever been in."

George said, "1 year."

Logan said, "2 years."

Eli took a shot.

Danny said, "7 months."

Al took a shot.

Carter said, "3 months."

"Really, with who?" I couldn't help but interrupt considering he isn't the relationship type.


I scoffed, "That does not count. You guys break up like every week. In fact your broken up right now."

"It totally does count. Doesn't it guys?" Everybody said no when he asked. I smirked as I had won twice in one night.

Everyone now looked at me awaiting my answer, "Never been in one."

"Huh?" "What?" Seemed to be the responses coming from the whole group minus Eli.

"How have you never been in a relationship?" James asked.

"Not my type of thing. They just get too clingy," I shrugged. Right now I sounded like a prick but I wasn't going to spill the real reason of why I never get into relationships.

Logan asked. "How many people in this circle would you kiss?" Which was a fucking weird question considering none of the guys were gay. 

I think he just wants my answer. Well if I'm being brutally honest wouldn't kiss him, wouldn't kiss George, would kiss Chace, wouldn't dream about kissing Eli if I did I would actually be sick. Wouldn't be able to kiss Danny either, I have only known him for a while but he's become more like a brotherly figure. I'd kiss Al. I guess if I had to I would kiss Carter only if I was being held at gun point and didn't know his personality.


Logan, Chace and George answered one. Eli and Danny both said none. Al said one, I winked at him. Carter said zero which is fine because I basically said I wouldn't kiss him ever in any circumstances. 

It continued like that for a few more rounds until we all went back downstairs. By now I was far too drunk to know what I was doing, so like any good drunk Samaritan would I screamed, "Body shots!"

Some came up to me hoisting me up on to the counter as I giggled. Whoever it was wet my collar bone before applying salt as I put the lime in my mouth. They licked the salt of my collar bone before sucking, surely leaving a hickey. I felt all funny and tingly like more than the alcohol does to you. Weird. They took the shot before sucking on the lime as our lips brushed against each other and my stomach did this strange flippy thing. I'm just going to guess it was because of the alcohol, I currently didn't have a long enough attention span to figure it out.

After that it was all a blur.

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