{7} Kotaboo

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I woke up to what felt like someone kicking the back of my leg. I looked up tiredly rubbing my eyes to see I was correct. Dakota was standing over me constantly kicking me. I'm sure my back would've hurt as I was sleeping on the floor if it wasn't for the fact I was high. Them high sleeps be hitting different.

"Ow Ow I'm up what the fuck man?"

"Had to wake you up. We've got school." I grabbed my bag and then we all got in Dakota's car, me sitting directly behind him.

"What time is it?" I probably looked like a mess right now.

"12 O clock."

"Hardly any time to be going to school is it. You could've let me sleep." I grabbed Dakota's hair and yanked it.

"I have important stuff to do."

"Yeah like what?" I asked wondering what was so important he felt the need to wake me up when half the school day had gone by.

"Get back together with Hannah. I'm bored. She keeps asking and I need a quick fuck."

All three of us passengers in the car groaned.

"She's such a bitch man. I don't know why your together when you don't even like her." Danny ranted.

"Like I've said before I'm a man that enjoys sex and the only time she gets off my case is when she's my girlfriend. So girlfriend it is."

"Oh look at you your hard," I mumbled as I rolled my eyes disgusted by Dakota.

When I walked into school Eli rushed to me with a slightly worried look on his face. "Where were you Pierce? Don't tell me you went on a bender. Your mum rang and I said you slept over."

"No I was not on a bender. I don't even have my fake id yet. I just fell asleep after I stayed with the guys. I'll ring my mum and speak to her." I honestly couldn't be mad at Eli for thinking I was on a bender. I used to go for 3-4 days drunk of my arse when I was going through a rough patch and no one knew where I was. Eli always covered for me when I needed him to with no questions needed. I gave him a hug and kissed his cheek whilst saying, "Thanks for covering me." I don't know what I'd do without him. 

"Don't I always?" He asked rhetorically because we both knew the answer.

"Still you know I appreciate it." I was only this nice to a handful of people; Eli, Evangeline, Ella and my mum. Not even Elliot and that's saying a lot. This is not saying I'm a rude bitch to everyone else, I just don't like to show affection. Though I was showing more affection to Eli then usual cause it's been three years. Damn! Let a bitch live.

I was building up the courage to ring my mum because I may not be scared of anyone except from that women. When she's angry it's scary. I definitely know where I got my angry side from or at least I'd like to think I did. 

When said answered I said a meek, "Hello."

"Hello! Hello is all you have to say after not answering your phone for a whole day. I didn't know where you were."

"Sorry your right. Hola! Bonjour! Guten tag! Ciao! I don't think I know how to say hello in any other languages. I reckon you should've signed me up for Mandarin when I was little."

"SCARLETT EVE PIERCE!" I winced as I pulled the phone away from my ear because of how loud it was.

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry I went asleep to at Eli's and woke up late rushed to school. Didn't see you calls until know. Why are you so worried I used to sleep over at Eli's all the time?"

"Never thought I'd hear you and going to school in the same sentence." I let out a breath of relief knowing she wasn't that mad at me if she was making jokes. "Sorry sweetie its just because we're in a new country you know. Still slightly nervous I guess."

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