Rachel still held tightly to the hope that it wanted her in it's pack as much as it wanted Scott. As much as she felt sympathy for Stiles in his unlucky situation - it was better him than her.

Confusion took over as the claw taps began again, only to fade off into the distance as the alpha wandered away. Why hadn't it attacked? It knew they were there. Rachel was more than positive it could smell the distinctive fear stench radiating from Stiles. Hell, she was even sure it could smell the lingering chicken teriyaki scent in her breath.

So why hadn't it attacked them?

Scott & Stiles didn't seem to care as they rushed around the opposite corner, venturing farther into the basement. She jogged to catch up to them, still struggling to breathe regularly from their previous sprint.

"Alright, we have to do something." Stiles stated obviously, his head moving from side to side as he tried to give both Rachel & Scott the same "you're the supernatural ones here, it's your problem" glance.

"Like what?"

"I don't know!" The spastic boy huffed, running a hand over his buzz cut. "Kill it, hurt it, inflict mental anguish on it. Something!"

The trio approached yet another corner, slowly peeking around as if it were a game of Russian roulette. Each corner had the possibility of sheltering the notorious alpha, much like each shot could end a life. Luckily for them, they hadn't even needed to pull the metaphorical trigger; the alpha was still nowhere in sight.

But as always; nothing gold can stay, and indeed their golden opportunity was swept away as an animalistic shadow slowly grew smaller. A telltale indication that someone; more likely, something, was stalking closer to them.

A faint jingle of metal caught Rachel's attention, her eyes widening as she turned to Stiles. "No."

The spastic boy was currently reaching in his pocket for the keys to his jeep. Unlike the two mythical creatures standing beside him; he'd taken it upon himself to concoct a plan. A plan of which, may end up getting them all brutally maimed and killed.

Stiles nodded at Scott, throwing his keys before bolting back in the direction they'd initially came from. Rachel was the last to exit the room, kicking the door shut & forcefully slamming her back against it.

"The desk-" she shouted, her shoes slipping on the floor as she held the door closed. "Come on! I can't hold this for long."

The two boys nodded, quickly moving the desk whilst Rachel slipped away from the door. Stiles helped her to her feet as a loud bang emitted from the metal door. Much to their delight, it remained in place.

"Come on, get across." Stiles looked from the desk & back to Scott. Though they'd braced the door, in turn, the teen wolf had ended up stuck in the corner - his only way across? Climbing over the desk & directly in front of the window, which just so happened to be in clear view of the alpha. "Come on!"

"What?" Scott muttered confusedly, unaware that he'd accidentally been cornered.

Soon enough, he took notice of the desk blocking his path. The teen gulped nervously, glancing towards the window one last time. He jumped up on the desk with ease, quickly sliding across in hopes the creature wouldn't catch sight of him. With no loud growls or bangs against the door; he deemed it a success.

Until of course, Stiles began leaning towards the window.

"What the hell are you doing?" Rachel hissed, grabbing a fistful of his jacket. Of all the idiotic things she'd seen him do tonight; this was by far the worst. He'd be more likely to survive punching a sleeping lion than intentionally provoking an alpha werewolf. Especially one as bloodthirsty as this.

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