"But I was having fuuunnn!"

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Hey sorry we havent updated lately :(
Ps. Edited :)

I got bored just sitting on the couch so I took all of the blankets and pillows and made a fort. Hey, don't judge! When I was a kid I used to make these all of he time, my brother and I made it around the TV so we could watch movies too.

Half way through I heard the door opening."Travis come here I need help with something!!" I yelled at him.

"Please tell me you didn't break any thing Lia!" He whinned. As soon as he walks in I saw who was with him ...Damien.

"Uhh... Travis can you help put these books on the couch their to heavy for me..." I mumbled.

" Sure" Was his response.

Travis and I were fixing the books when I shot Damien a dirty glance. "Why is he here?" I whispered.

"You guys need to talk about stuff." He answered. I looked back at Damien who now sat at the kitchen table. "I was having fuuunnn!" I whined. He just rolled his eyes .

"Finish this up I'm getting a movie." I said. I stood up to go look around for the stupid box with the movies

"Do you even know where they are, Lia?!" Travis yelled at me from the living room.

"Nope... I'll find them one way or another." I yelled back.

"I'll show her." Looked up to see Damien walking towards me. So, I did my awkward thing and walked away.

"Lia wait!" he called after me, which brought me back to when I saw he kissing Sydney. But I just kept walking. He doesn't deserve you, I remember Rachel saying. Yeah, he doesn't.

But... "What? What could you, of all people, want from me?" I asked angrily.

"Your approval." He said blandly. My eyes turn stone cold. My cheeks got hot with anger. I was about to blow my top.

"No. You may never have MY approval. My approval is too good for you. Why would you even think to ask for that, because I believe that if anyone that did what you did to me, dose NOT deserve second chances. Try what you did on some other girl. See how she feels." And with that said, I grabbed the movie box and left. Travis and I had a great time. He is the sweetest guy I've ever met.

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