ch 8; the letter

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The dead man sighs.
"Can you help me with one thing?"
Link jolts and gets back to the reality.
"With what?" He asks and tilts his head asking while a frustration shows up on his face from being disturbed.
The man points at the hay.
" I dropped a letter below that hay... Can you please take it and hands it over to the cute stable woman who takes care of the horses?" He begs.
  Link sighs.
"Okay... But I will only do that... Then you will enter the light, okay?"
The dead man nods, looking satisfied.
"Sounds good... It's a deal" he grins.
Link smiles softly and kneels down by the hay there he starts searching for the letter.
At last he finds a dirty pink letter.
"It's this one, right?" He asks while he stands up and starts waving the letter against the man.
"Yes yes...That's the one" he smirks nodding.
Link nods.
"Great..." he says and starts looking around after the woman the man talked about.

He finds the woman filling the water into the horse's tub.
The dark haired woman hums on some song while she pours the water from the large bucket.
Link approach her from behind and clears his throat.
"Hm?..." the woman with cute face and long lashes to her dark brown eyes turns around.
She smiles gently to him.
"Hi... If you want me to change your horse's hair-color or its saddle, you can take your horse to me and I will help you" she tells him.
Without answering on that she just said, he reaches out the letter to her.
"Hm?" She looks asking at the dirty letter.
Link clears his throat.
" A dead friend of mine have'd wrote this letter to you... I have'd recently found this and that's why you haven't got it until now..." Link lies.
The woman's smile disappeared and she puts down the almost empty bucket at the ground.
Then she reaches out her arm against him. Shivering a little of fear of what the letter could tell her.
She grabs the letter and opens it.
Her eyes are moving from side to side across the letter. Reading each letters.
She inhales sharply and puts a hand over her mouth while tears starts falling.
Link swallows nervously.
He never knows how he is supposed to act when these kind of things happens.
Giving her a hug would only be awkward. And ignoring her would feel wrong.
  The woman sighs and looks at Link.
"Thank you... Getting this letter means really a lot..." she sniffs smiling with the opened letter against her heart.
"At least I know the answers on some questions" she adds chuckling with tears still running down along her flushed cheeks.
Link chuckles nervously and rubs his backhead with his hand.
"I'm happy hearing about that..." he says.
"I-..." he looks over his shoulder and sees the dead man some meters away.
"I better go... Have other things to take care of..." he adds.
The woman nods.
"Thanks again...Take care"
"You too" Link waves and walks away.

Link looks asking at the dead man while they walks around the corner.
"What was the letter about? It was a love letter, right?"
The man shrugs.
"Kind of... I asked for her forgiveness for being a coward who didn't dare fighting for our love... And wished her good luck with her future husband she was engaged with" he explains shrugging.
"Oh..." Link inhales deeply.
"Alright then..." the dead man suddenly says.
Link looks asking at him.
The man grins at him.
"Time to leave you alone... I can finally see the light cleary...Since I now have no regrets I can finally leave my earth life"
Link gasps while he parts his lips surprised.
Then he nods.
" I wish you luck"
The man smirks and gives him thumb up.
"See you in afterlife" he says before he disappears.

Link exhales smiling.
It really felt great to help the man, and the woman in same process.
Maybe he shouldn't be that against with helping people.
Perhaps his journey with Linkly will help him with finding some pieces of his innocence back.
Getting back to the one he were before everything happened.
The goofy man who worked at the ranch and played with the children.
Okay, being the one he was before won't be possible.
But maybe; maybe he will become  a little as he were back then.
Link sighs.
Talking about Linkly. That he did against him was awful.
It wouldn't surprise him if Linkly is really pissed at him.
Perhaps for not taking advantage of him.
He means; Linkly have'd trying to seduce him from the first time he turned into his hylian form.
Linkly is probably happy that he actually got what he wanted. Sex with Link.
No, the problem is; Link ran away the second he got finished and before Linkly was finished and pleased.
And the only reason he did that was; because he wasn't himself.
He didn't wanted to have sex with Linkly. At least he tried holding back.
But thanks to Linkly's weird smell, he couldn't stay away.
They ended up having sex even though it's wrong in many levels.
And when Link finally got his senses back, he ran away of panic for what he just did.
He never thought his curse would someday force him to have sex with someone.
Turning him into a beast who would desire someone that much that; he would mate with him the second a weird smell cast a spell on him.
Link shivers.
Afraid of what his curse can turns out to. Forcing him to do.

Link walks back to his rented bedroom and opens the door.
Linkly snorts insulted the second he sees Link. He crosses his arms and looks away. Now dressed in his sky-blue tunic.
Link gives him an awkward smile.
Their journey will probably be a bit awkward from now on...

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