Chapter 1

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Can love conquer all?

I had asked this question a million times from myself and the answer has always been the same. Yes, it can.

Love that can make you weak can also turn you into a strong being. That is what had happened with me. Aaron's love for me had been the one that mad e me stronger while my love for myself and the world had done nothing but just made me feel as if I was weak.

Alone I might have taken the revenge that I had wanted too. I was content with it because I had done what I wanted. It didn't matter to me with what had happened afterwards and even when I had come to know that Serena and Nathanial did got married. My parents were still the same and even that didn't matter. It didn't because I had already had what I wanted which was being loved.

We had been each other's anchor and it didn't matter what we had gone through. All that mattered was the present.

The present where I had woken up from a bad dream but calmed down when I saw Aaron sleeping beside me soundly.

It was five in the morning and I was sitting in my bed thinking all about this.

This was not a daily occurrence but a rare one. Today it started from the dream in which Serena had showed up. She was alone and smiling at me. I was taken back by it but then I saw my parents behind her, and then came Erik. Nathaniel stood nearby but he didn't look happy and then something appeared in her arms. Aaron was standing beside me.

It was when the crying hit my ears, I understood it was a baby.

"You will never be the first." She had said looking at me. It was then when I saw that I was bleeding. There was a whole in my stomach. I looked towards her and saw her hands covered with blood. Even the baby was covered in blood. A different kind of emotion pulled into me and I saw everyone disappear leaving behind only Serena and the baby. Turning left and right I saw that Aaron too had disappeared.

The crying increased and I saw her holding the child by it's neck. I screamed at her and I knew that child was mine.

"You really think I could have let you any happiness?" She laughed.

"I will always snatch it away from you. Just like I did now." Her hands grew tighter around the small baby's neck. I had tried to reach but I couldn't. It was as if I was stuck where I was. I saw her dropping the child and I knew I had made the run. I was able to catch it but then when I looked at it, there was nothing but ashes. Her laughter echoing in my ears in the dream and I was crying. Alone and Scared. I had no one. It felt like I was being ripped away. I felt hands on my neck and someone strangling me.

"He will always be mine," She had whispered as she strangled me harder.

That was when I had woken up panting. I had looked at Aaron and made myself understand that it was nothing but a dream. It was a dream and nothing else. A nightmare because I was once again worrying.

Aaron would have wanted me to wake him up but I didn't want to so I tried to not move too much before sitting down on the bed quietly. Staring at his face I could see the innocence over his face. It looked like if he was a baby.


It's what that has me worried. My hand went to my lower abdomen feeling the life inside of me. Two months ago, we had gone for the IVF treatment. Six weeks ago we both had received the good news that I had conceived.

I had seen the happiness in Aaron's eyes. The way those eyes has lit up when I had told him that it had worked this time. I could feel that happiness in the way he had lifted me and twirled me around. I could feel that in his smile, kisses and touch. As if it was in the air around us. It felt as if we were complete because I was back and happy.

Serilda: Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now