Chapter Twenty Two

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Chapter Twenty Two: Broken RibRiver Jenkins

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Chapter Twenty Two: Broken Rib
River Jenkins

“River, wake up!” A familiar voice calls.

I physically feel my eyelids flutter but I couldn’t open my left eye.

I think it was swollen.

Or I was dead… either way, it felt good to be numb.

“River, you have to wake up!”

I feel someone tugging my arm, but I still couldn’t open my eyes.

“River. Wake up!”

W-wait… Is that… Sophia’s voice?

No. It can’t be her voice.

I try opening my eyes again and this time it managed to open, barely. My right eye was completely closed and it couldn’t open at all, the left one was very blurry, I had to squint just to see who was crouched beside me, tugging my arm.

It was Myles.

I imagined Sophia’s voice after all.

I look around me, smelling the stench of sweat and blood from the locker room.

I could hear the cheers coming from outside the locker room as the crowd cheered for their new champion—the one who nearly beat me to a damn pulp.

I guess I should’ve expected it.

I wasn’t always going to be the undefeated champion, but the thought of being defeated after having so many fights were I was undefeated made my heart sink.

My dad’s words reminded me now that I was, in fact, a nothing after all.

“River…” Myles asks, looking concerned. “Are you alright? Can you hear me?”

It must have been a damn hard blow to the face if Myles was worried about me.

“I can hear you loud and clear. Stop talking so fucking loudly.” I grumble, lifting my right hand to shield my partially open eye from the bright, piercing light coming from above me.

“Sorry.” Myles apologizes, talking softer this time. “You’ve been hit pretty hard. I’m surprised you don’t have a concussion.” He says, sitting beside me.

“I think I have a concussion.” I tell him. I try to sit up but groan when there was a sharp, shooting pain in my side. I choose to ignore it. “I heard a voice. One I couldn’t have heard because they weren’t here, in the same room as me.”

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