Chapter 13: A Call with Clemont

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"But Ash, you called me a couple of weeks ago..." Clemont replied with a sweatdrop. "You know, to plan on setting up your surprise for Serena and to receive information regarding her last showcase before the Master Class... remember? Now we are calling to finish planning the rest of the surprise."

At that moment, Ash's eyes bulged and widened with realization. He felt like a complete idiot. How could he forget that he had already called Clemont two weeks ago and sorted almost everything out with him and Bonnie? Is he already developing Alzheimer's disease? No, that can't be it.

"Oh yeah, sorry about that." Ash apologized in a sheepish manner as he rubbed the back of his neck. In his mind he wondered how he could forget that. Perhaps it's because he's nervous or maybe it's because of his excitement for the upcoming World Coronation Series. "I guess it's because I've been busy the past few days. A lot has happened." 

"Pika..." Pikachu mumbled and sweatdropped. His trainer's idiocy could really amaze him more than food at times. Ash may have grew up over the years, but sometimes Pikachu sometimes question whether he matured mentally or not.

"I would love to hear all about it when you come back to Kalos around two weeks from now. By the way, Serena is here in Prism Tower with Bonnie and me, so I suggest we get all the important things out of the way first." Clemont suggested while adjusting his glasses. "I believe you said something about a gift for her when you ask her out?"

"Right, of course." Ash replied as he now fully remembered the reason why he scheduled a call with Clemont. "So the Ring I ordered from a friend of mine in Alola finally arrived." Ash took out the small red velvet box and opened it in front of the screen so his friend could see it. Clemont adjusted his glasses as he looked at the ring through the video monitor.

"That's a very impressive looking ring, Ash. I'm sure Serena will love it when you give it to her. Maybe she will like seeing you more though." Clemont said with a light chuckle at the end. 

"Maybe." Ash sighed. "I am kind of nervous, Clemont. What if she rejects me... or found someone better."

"Pika pi. Pikachu." Pikachu squeaked out, catching both Ash's and Clemont's attention. They could see that Pikachu was giving Ash a look of confidence and determination.

Clemont laughed. "I think Pikachu is saying there is no reason for you to be so nervous. I agree with Pikachu, you're rarely nervous except when the leagues are involved."

"I know I shouldn't be nervous..." Ash said, while letting out a heavy sigh. "But... I just can't help but think this will all be for nothing. Rejection from her would hurt so bad, man."

"Impossible," Clemont responded with a blank face while shaking his head at Ash. "She literally kissed you before she left for Hoenn. What more do you need? Besides, Bonnie has been teasing her about you nonstop for the past hour. She obvious liked you then, no reason she won't stop liking you now."

"That's good to know," Ash said with a sigh of relief. "So down to business, where do you want to meet? I can't let Serena know that I'm there until after she wins her final princess key."

"Wow, confident about her victory are we?" Clemont teased and let a grin form on his face. Ash rolled his eyes in response.

"Well yeah, she has to win or else she won't make it to the Master Class. Didn't you tell me that's the last showcase they are hosting for the season?" Ash asked with a little irritation in his voice. "It's all or nothing from there."

"Yeah, it is. Good thing she just needs one more Princess Key. Shauna, Nini, and Miette already got their three, so she is basically going against strangers and other random performers at this point." Clemont responded.

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