I chuckled amused with the hyper child, nodding my head, I grabbed the scope before scoping him a chocolate ice-cream in a cone. He handed me the money and I handed him his ice cream with his change, he didn't move away the seat where he was sitting. He smiled as he sat down in front of me, Zach gave me a questionable look and I shrugged my shoulders, telling him to shut up and keep his mouth shut.

"Raven, the manger wants to talk to you." Rosemary, my coworker shouted from behind me, patting my shoulders to get my attention but I narrowed my eyes at her. I didn't like when people touched me without me knowing, it was made me feel sacred and think about bad things that had happened. I shrugged her hand off my shoulder, ignoring her as i walked back to where his little workplace would be, standing in front of the door I tried to think of reasons why he would want to talk to me all of a sudden. I knocked twice, opening the door when I heard his voice.

"Come in." Mr. Song, a short Korean man that owned this shop, he was a good man compared to my manger at the restaurant. I walked in with my face emotionless, i did a short bow, showing my respect as he was an elder. The reason I bowed to him was to respect him, he was korean and it was a formal thing to do, bow to your elders when you greet them but bowing was also what supernaturals did as well. "Raven." He smiled as he greeted me, his eyes saddened and I grew curious. "You're one of my best employees here, you know that." I was getting fired, I knew that. "But I have been getting complains about your work recently and your interaction with customers aren't the best." He sighed, shooting me an apologies look

"I'm fired?" He nodded, lowering his gaze and telling me that I should have my money delivered to me soon, I nodded and said thank you before I walked out. I took off my apron, throwing it in the washing machine as I took off my work cap as well, grabbing my things i walked out. 'Twice in a row, already.'

"Hey, slow down!" Zach yelled from somewhere behind me, pulling me back by the collar of my shirt and I groaned as I stumbled on my feet with the force he had pulled me by. He stood in front of me, his friends with him as they gave me confused looks for my rushed work. "Why are you leaving early, finished early or?" He asked me concerned

"Are you okay Raven." Nickolas asked as he stood beside Zach, his hazel eyes looked down at me concerned, he was 17 and he was taller than me which was a pain in the arse.

"I got fired." I ran a hand through my hair, walking again to sit at a table close to where the beach is, I stared at the crashing waves that hit off the rocks, leaning over the glass balcony thing we had around the shop as I watched people jump into the coming waves. It was a peaceful thing to watch as they decreased, people laughing and enjoying their time at the beach with their families or friends, I wish to have that someday but I knew I couldn't.

"You know." He threw his arm over my shoulder, his arm chocking me but I didn't say anything as I waited for him to talk, I wasn't in the mood to keep up with his playfulness and he understood that. "I could look for a job, I'm at that age already." I jabbed him in his stomach for thinking of something like that, he had enough things to deal with right now. I would work for now and he'll start working next year or the year after that but definitely not now when his exams were around the corner. "Them two already have jobs!" He complained as both the boys laughed at Zachs behaviour, he had always wanted to help me, make me feel less stress and I couldn't have asked for a better brother than him.

"No, you have school and it's my responsibility as your older sister to take care of you and Ash." I was taken by surprise as little arms wrapped around my legs, my body tensing up and Zach gave me a confused look. Our eyes traveled down, looking down at the little girl with long black hair that stared up at me with her doll like eyes and i melted right on the spot.

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