
520 17 1

Shai p.o.v

I'm sitting down on my couch,when I hear a knock on my door.I get up from the couch and walk over to the door.I open it.

Theo stands there,tears staining his cheeks.


Theo wraps me in his arms,not letting me finish.

"I'm so sorry Shai.I fucked up bad,I really did,"he says.

I move away from the hug.I look up at him,"What do you mean?"

"Can I come in?We'll talk about it in here,"he says.

I nod.

I step aside so he can enter.He sits on the couch.I sit down next to him.He stares into my eyes for a while,then looks down.

"What happen?"I ask.

"I don't think you'll ever forgive me,"he says.He looks up at me again,"Ruth's pregnant,and I think it's my baby."

"What?"I ask,in disbelief.

His voice starts cracking,"Im so sorry Shai,Im so sorry."

He tries to wrap me in his arms,but I move away,"Don't touch me Theo."

He nods.

"I can't believe this,"I say,starting to get angry."Why would you do this Theo?I am giving up most of my life for you!Now you have another girl pregnant,and not just any girl,Ruth."

"I know Shai,"he says,"But I couldn't take control of what I was doing.Im sorry,I really am."

"Theo,I know you're sorry,but sorry isn't going to cut it this time.This is too much to be saying sorry"I say,my voice cracking.

He gets off of the couch and kneels down in front of me,"Shai,please,I love you,you know that.Maybe the baby isn't mine,maybe it's somebody else's."

I bite my lip.I cup his face with my hands,"I love you too Theo,but getting her pregnant,that's too far."

"Shai,what are you trying to say?"he asks.

I start letting tears go,"Im saying that we need a break."

His mouth goes wide,"No Shai.No,we can't,I love you too much."

I lean in and put my lips on his.I wrap my arms around his neck.He wraps his arms around my waist.

I pull back and brush my hands through his hair,"I love you too,but we can't keep this relationship if there's someone else involved."

He shakes his head,"No Shai,I don't love her.I love you."

"I'm sorry Theo.I can't keep having my heart broken.You need to go,now,"I say.

He looks into my eyes and nods.He stands up and starts walking to the door.

He turns around to face me,"What about our baby?He needs both of his parents."

I look down,"I guess....Ill have to give him up."Just by saying that,I want to start crying.I don't want to give up our baby,but he can't just be passed around all the time.He needs a loving home,not a dysfunctional one.

Theo's face turns pale,"Please tell me that's a lie."

I shake my head,"Bye Theo."

He shakes his head and walks out of my room.He slams the door so hard when he exits,that I jump a little.

I hug my knees to my chest and sob.

My life is falling apart..........


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