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Shai p.o.v

We have one month down of filming.That means I'm now 4 months.

Our baby has been progressing so much.We went back to Doctor Rivera,and he told us that he's all fine and healthy.

Ruth has literally been stalking Theo.I see her everytime we go out.She's crazy.We still don't even know what she's doing here.

Right now,Im just sitting on the couch,practicing my lines.Theo went out to buy some food.He was hungry so guess where he went?


I just told him to get me my shake,and some fries.

I hear a knock on the door.I get up from the couch and walk over to it.I open the door,and see her....


She smiles,"Hello Shailene."

"What do you want Ruth?"I ask,getting annoyed.

She looks over my shoulder,"Is Theo here?"

I shake my head,"No Theo,just me."

She smiles at me again,"Good,because there's something I want to tell you."

"You will never have Theo,"she says,"I was with him for a long time,we connect.Im good enough for him,you're not.I don't care about you,or your stupid little baby,so I can get rid of that,right here,right now,but I won't, because I love Theo.He's a part of that kid,so I'm sparing it for now.Just know this Shailene,I will stop at nothing to have Theo,even if it means I'll have to hurt someone."

I lean on the door frame,"Ruth,stop obsessing,there's other people out there,not just Theo."

She shakes her head,"To me,everything is Theo."

I just keep staring at her.Why is she acting so crazy?

She flips her hair and walks away.

I watch as she goes down the hall.

"Just be careful Shai!"she yells down the hall.

I roll my eyes and walk back into my hotel room.


Ruth p.o.v

Shailene thinks she's so smart,doesn't she?She doesn't know what I'm capable of.I get what I want,and what I want,is Theo.

I have a plan,and it's going to leave her so heartbroken,she'll never want to see Theo again.

You see,Im pregnant.I found out a few days ago.This baby is actually Theo's,best friend's baby.Im going to seduce Theo to have sex with me,make him believe that he got me pregnant,and boom!He's all mine.

Of course he might not leave if Shailene is still there.I have to get rid of her,but I can't kill her.I don't want Theo heartbroken,I want her,heartbroken.

I have an uncle in the mafia.If Shailene doesn't leave Theo,Ill make my uncle and his guys kidnap her,simple as that.They were going to refuse,but I'm going to let them do whatever they want with her.Rape her,like I even give a shit.

This plan,is going to be perfect!I know I have to get Theo alone,so I'm doing that tomorrow.Im going to make it seem like Shailene cheated on him with someone,then show him,then he's going to go to a bar,then I'm going to find him,put a pill in his drink to make him love me,then make the plan happen.

Shailene should've never underestimated me.Im much worst than the regular Ruth she sees.

A/N:Let the drama begin.Comment and Vote!Bye!!!

Sheo:Mistake or meant to be?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang