The drop off

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"I feel like a drug dealer." Nina said.

"Is this what it feels like to sell the drugs instead of taking it, because if so I would consider this a job." I laughed.

"Yeah it feels pretty nice anyways this is the only thing you have to do for him?" Nina asked.

"I guess he said I owed him and I really don't owe him shit because my name is not Nino Diaz, I'm Lily Ortega Diaz. And I'm very much alive." I said pulling into the lot I looked and saw men moving boxes, we all got out the car and walked up to the men.

"Which one of you is Ms.Diaz?" The man asked great he knows my last name, I stepped up and he nodded handing me boxes.

"What's in these boxes?" Cadence asked.

"Figure it out yourself Miss, sorry about your dad he was a legend." He said.

"Yeah it's fine." We packed the boxes in the car cadence had opened one and it was just paper like wrapping paper.

"Is he a present gift wrapping contest or what? Looks like he's going to be the next Santa Claus or something. I thought we were going to get some illegal but this is totally legal there's nothing in here that's going to get us caught." Cadence said closing the box back, welp I'm smuggling paper across the country whoopsie daisy.

"I guess, I'm kinda hungry so we're going drop this off go get something to eat and then check on the kids. All them kids probably giving nana Ally a hard time." I said.

"I bought doubt it and my mother wants the kids this weekend, but I told her I wanted to take them to Disney world." Nina said.

"Well she hasn't seen them in two weeks Nina, let her have them for the weekend." I said.

"My fiancé mom loves Ace and Ace loves her." Cadence said.

"Well you should totally come over more because all the kids stay at Nina house but next weekend there coming to mine. For Alex sleepover and you know Alex he's very very smart, and patient but something tells me he isn't going to be like me when he gets older." I chuckled.

"Why do you say that?" Cadence asked smiling.

"Because he reminds me of you, he has my traits but he reminds me of you, and he's definitely going to act like Eddie." Nina laughed clapping her hands.

"Yes he is, Eddie keeps Alex 24/7 Alex is barely home so it's usually Nadia and Lily at the house, Eddie loves Alex." Nina sighed happily as I pulled onto the highway, as I was driving pictures of my mom and dad popped into my mind. I really miss my dad it's like when he left a piece left my body, I never thought I could live without my dad but I'm doing it, Alex never got to meet him. My dad would've loved Alex, my dad was patiently waiting for me to have kids. And he always hoped for the first one to be a girl, he was happy when I was pregnant he didn't judge me. Well he did a little bit after while he stopped when she was born he had fell in love with Nadia, he made sure I had got to see her. Unlike my mom she wanted Nadia to be far away from me as possible, Nadia asks for my dad a lot and I always tell her one day she will see him again. I think she knows now but it's hard telling her that her grandfather is dead and he's never coming back.

"Alright we should just drop this off at the address he sent so we can get food after that, I'm just really ready to get this over with." I sighed.


I pulled up at an warehouse and cars were outside people were coming in out, I got out the car going into the door he said to go in. And I was shocked wrapping paper was everywhere, getting turned into fake money. He had workers helping him I looked around until my eyes landed on him, wearing a blue button up, black pants and nice shoes. I walked towards him, he looked at me I stood in front of him Waiting for him to say something. He motioned his hand to the back walking away I followed looking around at all the fake cash he had made. Well his workers.

"Well you got your delivery." I said looking around and then back at him.

"Okay I'm gone have my guys bring it in, I have another job for you Lilian." He said putting his hands in his pockets.

"Lily." I corrected him.

"Right......Lily. See I'm not your friend I'm your boss from now on because you not done owing me til I say your done. Understand or do I need to say it in Spanish Lilian." He caught a lil attitude I rolled my eyes looking at him.

"estúpida Soy mi propia maldita jefa, have a nice night." I turned around he grabbed my arm, "Meet me where I tell you just you not your friends, tomorrow so make sure you took your kids in will you." He said.

"Don't touch me unless you don't wanna have anymore kids." I walked away knowing that's he's looking at me. Because he's so controlling always been even when I first met him, I'm doing this for Eddie nobody else's. I made it to my car and got in they looked at me with curious faces, I sighed starting the car up.

"He gave us another job, but he wants me to him wherever he gives me a location to tomorrow he wants me to come by myself."

"By yourself why?" Nina asked.

"I have no idea but I'm not scared of him so I'm going to go, just make sure my kids are okay and tell them that I will be taking them somewhere fun soon." I said.

"Are you sure you wanna do this we can always be your backup." Cadence was worried she don't need to worry about me I then been through worse and she knows.

"I did worse we both did remember."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2021 ⏰

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