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"Uh, god, uh uh uh Eddie." I moaned as he pounded inside of me on the sink in the bathroom down the hall from my room. I swear and hope to god this people use sanitizer, he grabbed my neck stroking my hair as he pumped inside of me hard I can't even have sex because I have stitches. But I needed it so bad and it feels so good but this is all wrong oh my gosh this feels so good. "Uh fuck Eddieee." I moaned in his ear quietly before he was about to cum he stopped and pulled up. He helped down from the sink, pulling up my pants grabbed my throat kissing me.

"I'm sorry that I raped you." He apologize.

"It's okay, you made up for it." I said watching him get hisself together and he put his gun back in his pocket. He still haven't told me how he got passed the security doors with a gun and didn't get caught because I didn't hear no alarm.

"You fucked me like it was your last time seeing me." He looked at me weird trying to figure out what I had meant by that.

"Because this is my last time coming to visit I have some things to handle, people out looking for me, I have to get them gone. I only will see Nadi that's it but I promise I will be waiting when you get released from here." He said walking out of the bathroom so did I walked to my room opening the door he came in shutting it.

"Alright you be good in here and call me when your getting released this my number." He gave me a piece of paper leaving out of my room, cadence walked over and smiled. "Oh so your baby daddy came to see you and give you good dick I see, why can't you just go out with the man?" She asked smiling. "Because he raped me you think I want to go out with somebody who raped me I mean he had a reason but still." I sat down on my bed so did she she rubbed my back." He's the father of your first child your going to grow to love him even though you hate him now. And if so happens he gets you pregnant again it will be no turning back because you made it again." She said. "Your right I seen it with my uncle and his wife, that lady put him through hell." I laughed. "See you two will probably get married some day." She smiled." Okay now your pushing it goodnight." I laid back in my bed she got walking out my room. "Goodnight." I heard her say I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


3 months later

"You get released today aren't you happy?" She asked me. "I am kinda but your still going to be in here, which is sad because who's going to help you when you have an break down? I'm not going to be here to help you Cadence." I sighed sitting on her bed today I am getting released From rehab after the three month I been here. It's official a new year and it's going to be a new me, I called Eddie he said that he will be here at 5 to get me. I'm just really sad because cadence needs me right now she's been having break downs back to back. I had a few break downs last month because I was craving what I'm free of now. I don't even think about it anymore I'm clean and free I'm so happy because the torture is over. But cadence still have to go through it and she will be going through it alone.

"Girl I will be just fine in this rehab center okay I got some friends, they're pretty cool they right down the hall I will be fine. Just take care your daughter-"

"And your son I put the address in my bag, so I won't forget about him okay I promise." I said kissing her forehead, I looked at the time and it was 5 o'clock she picked the clock tapping the 5.

"I will see you in 3 months or 4 I will come visit you every visiting days I will be sending you letters and pictures of your son Alex. Picture of us and ever-"

"Your ride is waiting." The lady came in, I sighed giving cadence a hug she kissed my cheek and I didn't want to let go. "This is the part where you say 'I see you soon and don't raise hell.' " she said we both chuckled. "Yeah don't raise hell, see you soon." I said walking out of her room and waving by to all the people I am finally getting out. I am finally free being in a rehab makes me not want to go to jail, because it's very very boring. I walked outside looking for Eddie and he wasn't there" I thought you said my ride was here?" I asked the lady. "He is he's right there come visit us one day." She said smiling I looked over to him see him.

"Hey moma." He said.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

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"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Eddie is busy with something so he sent me to pick you up." He stayed on his truck and looked at me waiting for me to get in.

"I'll walk." I said.

"Get in the car Lilian." He wasn't asking either I walked to the other side of his car he got in starting the car up driving off. I stayed silent as he drove its kind of awkward I thought Eddie was picking me up but he bailed on me. And I will be giving him a piece of mind when I see him because what is so important that he had to bail on me. If was the other way around I would've came and got him I haven't seen him in three months. And he wants to bai on me typical dude move right there, good job Eddie good job.

"Do you want to go to your old house or go see your daughter ?" He asked me.

"Umm my daughter please." I spoke nicely I didn't want him to go all postal on me I mean he is the guy who killed my parents.

"So what you and Eddie together or sum because he ain't never visit nobody at no rehab center so what y'all got going on?" Not him bring curious about my life.

"He's the father of my child that's what we have going on thanks for dropping me off." I said getting out of the car I seen my fathers car in the driveway I guess he returned it back. 

"No problem I still want my money so whenever you get settle in give it to me, don't want no problems." He nodded.

"Yeah.... Right ok." Yeah he has to be serious I'm not giving him shit whatever him and my father had going on, well he killed the man so no money for him. I knocked on the door and Alison opened it I smiled looking inside seeing Anadia playing with her toys.

"Welcome back, Anadia your mommy is here!" Alison shouted. I heard her heavy footsteps run towards the door she pushed in between Alison giving me a hug.

"Hey there baby." I happily said picking her up.

"Your all better mommy?" She asked.

"Yes, mommy all better." I smiled kissing her cheek.

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