New life

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I wrote my name on the papers and passed down the child care woman, she signed it her self and then smiled.

"Well Lilian - Lily Ortega Diaz Anadia name is official Anadia Ortega Diaz, and she is now in your full custody. Have a really good life with your daughter miss." The lady said.

"Wait can I ask you for one more thing?" I asked her.

"Yes what is it?" She asked me.

"I want to get custody of friend son she's in rehab getting help and she told me to get custody of him and take care of him until she's ready. Is that possible?" I asked.

"Actually it is as long as we get her written consent and whoever's watching him now, then you can get full custody. Your healthy and wealthy so it wouldn't be no problem getting that done for you Ma'am and my name is Mrs. Allen." She gave me her hand I shook it smiling yes I finally got custody of my daughter. I am so happy Alison just handed me the keys to my new house which means I have to move everything I have. And now I have to get An baby sister well Alison she can be my baby sister while I am at work.

"Okay well is it possible we can do that today?" I asked.

"Yes you would just have to drive me to the rehab center and we will get everything in place, Ms. Diaz" she nodded.

"Okay well let me just get all my daughter things and I will be right with you, Umm Alison can I talk to you for a minute." I said going into the kitchen, Alison walked in and took a sip of her whine.

"I will be going into work with my fathers business soon and I was -"

"Yes I will be your baby sitterI am her nana after all right?" She asked laughing.

"Yes you but I am adopting cadence son and I-"

"He will be an Ortega Diaz I will watch him for your doing something good for a change and believe it or not your like my daughter." Alison pulled me into a hug I am so not used to her being so nice to me even then she's been a bitch she just wanted the best.

"Okay thank you so much I wouldn't know what to do without you." I said hugging her back.

"What about the rooms I don't have anything in that house I just got the key Nadia can't live with-"

"I order a room set today it should be there in a hour."

"And what about Alex he needs that too."

"I will get on it right now but you go handle that I will watch Nadia while you handle your business." She patted me on the back I sighed in relief grabbing my keys off the counter.

"Are you ready." Mrs.Allen asked.

"Yeah let's go."


I knocked on the door and we waited for a few minutes, an old lady who looked rather grumpy, opened the door.

"Hi I'm Mrs.Allen I work in child care child services." Mrs.Allen greeted.

"What are you here for the boy?" The lady asked.

"Umm Yes Alexander Johnson." She smiled.

"Take him tired of him and his mother that crackhead-"

"How dare you just throw your grandson away without a fight there's a lady who isn't even my daughter real grandma, will give her life up for my daughter. She didn't even let me see my own daughter that I carried for 8 months and a half for 2 months. Because she was afraid I was going to be a bad mom, and for your daughter to be raped to when she was 6 all the way to 15 and you can't even take care of her son as in apology! Pack his bags because he's coming with me." I was so angry because why would you treat your grandson that way just give him up. But you took him away from his mother though for what? The money! Obviously! I swear people like her makes me want to choke the hell out of them. They have no fucking common sense.

"Well that was very heating kinda of hot now, but Mrs. Johnson I will need you to sign over your rights so Ms.Ortega Diaz will have all rights Of, Ms.Johnson son. Alexander. Umm once you sign Ms.Diaz will Write Alexander Ortega Diaz and she will be the new mother of Alexander. She will be taking full custody of Alexander so just sign here." Mrs.Allen pointed to the paper on the clip board, Mrs.Johnson signed giving the clip board back, Mrs. Allen handed me the clip board. And I did everything I had to, I walked in her house and it was all nasty, it had trash everywhere. I seen drugs everywhere and beer bottles, I walked up the stairs opening doors to find Alex from. I opened the last door and he was nowhere to be found, and I know he's here. I looked under the bed no no no no he's two and if he's hiding he will be in the closing, kids always hides in the closet. I opened the closet door and he was in there he was surprised to see a new face I'm guessing.

"Hi I'm lily." I smiled.

"Are you here to beat me?" He asked.

"No why would you say that?" I asked.

"Because Nancy always have people come to beat me what are you for?" He asked he was scared he didn't even come closer to me, I sat down on the floor making a very concern face.

"I'm here to take you away from Nancy I am your mommy now or you can call me lily, do you remember who your -"

"I don't have a mommy."

"I am your mommy." My heart is literally melting in the inside.

"Then why Nancy  say I don't have one?"

"Because Nancy doesn't want you to be happy and I want you to be happy because your my son." I smiled touching his small hand, he stood up and so did I, Mrs.Allen came in the room.

"Your coming to live with me." I smiled.

"I'm not coming back here?" He asked worried.

"No your never coming back and actually your going to meet your little sister and I'm taking you guys out to park and get ice cream." I smiled.

"I love ice cream and I have a sister?"

"Yes, you do and she's waiting for you so we're going to pack your clothes and then we're never coming back okay?" I asked so that he will understand that I will never let him back here ever again and I will never ever let them get him back.

"Okay thanks for helping me." He hugged me.

"I'm your mommy of course I'm going to help." I smiled, and we started to pack his bags and he told me what toys he had wanted to take and what he didn't want. I have two children now Anadia Ortega Diaz, and Alexander Ortega Diaz. I'm happy now.

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