Chapter Thirteen: Sleeping Beauty in her Garden of Thorns

Start from the beginning


"IT'S NOT LILA IT'S DR. NIGHTMARE!"(believe me I realise how lame that is but go with it- someone in the show is named Mr. Pigeon let me have this.)

Chat scoffed at the name. "Really? Hawkmoth couldn't have come up with anything better? Then again what did I expect-" he trailed off taunting her.

Lila or Dr. Nightmare (lmao whyyyy😂) lifted herself off her balcony giving Marinette a chance to readjust and try to get up from the impact of being tackled down on her balcony.

Lila's outfit was a black dress with white fractals piercing over it. She was definitely one of the more better dressed akumas. She had a black and white mask to go with her costume and it was as if her hair floated in the air or stuck up in it all by itself.

She reached in her bag filled with black sand.

"The akuma is in her bag!" Chat thought!

She winded up her hand to throw it at Chat who was spinning his baton to create a shield for himself when she threw it backwards?!

Marinette, who had finally managed to get back up, was hit with it, and crumpled back onto the ground in a forever circle of nightmares. If this wasn't worse enough, she wouldn't be able to transform as Ladybug and fix everything...

Chat looked at Marinette. Her eyelids were closed and she had fallen back onto the ground. Chat felt anger form in the pit of his stomach. How could he have been so stupid?! He should've thought that she would try something like that.

"You are so going to pay for that! You'd be surprised at how hard these claws can scratch!" he yelled, challenging her, she smirked before a purple outline formed around her face. The clouds began to rumble and rain started drizzling down on them.

(A/N: Rain... you all know what happens when it rains... GET READY)

Her smile faded and replied to him by saying, "come for me when Bug Eyes finally shows up- until then~" she floated away causing chaos all over Paris.

Ladybug still wasn't picking up her bug-phone,

Little did Lila and Chat know that their Ladybug, was the same girl who was whimpering on the ground of her balcony from her own nightmare.

Chat was about to leap off the balcony railing when he heard a whimper behind him.

"Marinette-" he whispered looking at her. He hopped onto her balcony and caressed her disturbed face. She was probably in a nightmare full of terror right now and there was nothing he could do about it. He felt so-so... powerless.

Shit. What if- what if Ladybug got hit too- just like Marinette, but in her civilian form!? If Ladybug was down even if he destroyed the akuma, everyone would still be trapped in forever nightmares.

(A/N: it's literally her-😩🥲🙄)

No. He couldn't think of that now. He had to find Ladybug and hope it wasn't too late but- at the same time Chat Noir didn't want to leave Marinette alone. Especially not in the rain. He wanted to protect her and hold her close. He wanted to cradle her and whisper to her sweet phrases. He wanted to tell her and himself everything would be okay. Chat wanted to find Ladybug but not until he knew Marinette wouldn't be suffering.🥺❤️

Chat began to play with her hair and rub her back. Her face was already starting to get hit by the raindrops. He tried shielding her from it with his back and as a butterfly effect, Marinette's tense face expressions softened automatically. He smiled to himself. It was like she was his Sleeping Beauty in an enchanted sleep. Marinette was a princess. Somehow Chat felt like her Prince Charming or knight in shining leather to save her-

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