-Part One- Chapter One: Fallen Angels

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(A/N: Thank you for reading! This was the first book I ever published online:))

(Disclaimer: When I wrote this, the book took place after Season 3 and the New York Special.)

  "As we grow old we realize life doesn't always give us all the gifts we hoped it would... but you mustn't be scared and you mustn't be sad, because what really matters isn't if you win or lose, the real gift is life itself..." He stopped. He couldn't bear to continue. Those words scared him. He knew exactly why they struck fear into him though: they were true. But he couldn't let go; not now. Not when he was this close. Not when he finally had her. Not when they were finally together. Not when she finally loved him- He started to feel a burning sensation in the back of his throat; trying to calm himself down he started combing his shaking fingers through his hair rapidly, like a madman. Until it became too much and he let out a choked sob. The tears burned his face and his throat felt like it was on fire. Adrien couldn't stop the pain- the amount of anger- the amount of- trust and love. This girl was all he needed, she was his oxygen, his whole world, he loved her wasn't that enough!? He needed her in his life, but she wasn't- All of his thoughts came to a stop as Marinette, the love of his life, placed a delicate hand over his shoulder and gave it a comforting squeeze. Her bluebell eyes met his green swollen ones and-


Nobody's POV

"Little Kitty on a Roof all Alone with Out his Lady"

Citizens of Paris watched with mixed emotions of confusion, pain, and sympathy as they saw their lonely guardian of Paris pacing the rooftops above.

Chat Noir or rather- Chat Blanc was striding back and forth on a Paris rooftop trying to find a way to get things back to normal. He was getting weaker and weaker. The akuma was rotting his body from the inside and he could feel the darkness consuming a little bit of him every day. He was stuck like this, maybe forever now that his Lady was gone.

The blonde vigorously scratched the nape of his neck not knowing what to do anymore. It was a terrible habit that he inherited when he was thirteen, and first started school. He didn't even realize it until his friends pointed it out to him; that didn't stop him from doing it though.

All and all, Chat Blanc never came up with a solution that night, instead, he went to go see his Princess.

Marinette's POV

"Do you think he'll like it? Hmm well, maybe this is too much or maybe-" I took a deep breath and then slammed my head on my desk with a groan.

(A/N: That's literally me doing my reading homework, though.)

I jumped as I heard a familiar voice before me, "Whoa Princess! Easy there!"

It was the voice of Chat Blanc.

I turned around to see the white cat in the middle of my bedroom holding his swishing white tail in the wind. His lips were curled into a smirk and his eyes- I couldn't help but fall into that icy blue stare. It was intoxicating...? In all honesty I didn't know how I felt about my new-found feline companion visiting me every night, but I felt like I could trust him.

I had only known Chat for like a week but it had already felt like forever. His smirk grew wider and my face flushed. I guess I had been staring into his eyes for too long because he clearly noticed. My eyes quickly went down to my fingers as I began to play with them nervously.

Suddenly, I felt his clawed hand lift up my chin and I was face to face with his blue eyes again. If my face was red before, having him this close to me, and staring right back into my eyes mischievously was just too much for me-

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