Chapter 4

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Edge entered the shed shortly after, in hand a crate that Fell knew all too well. He watched helplessly as the skeleton rummaged through the crate after securing the door shut. He searched deeper as the items on top didn't quite peak his interest, when finally he pulled out a wip. The tips had a few spikes on it and it was Edge's favorite weapon out of the limited weapons he could use on his "weak" brother. (Boi if ya had seen the fight 'gainst Frisk and Fell.. Ya'd be thinkin' otherwise) He flexed the wip before cracking his neck and facing Fell. His sharp gaze was focused on Fell and Fell felt as if daggers were piercing his soul. He gulped the lump of fear in his throat as Edge stepped back, uncoiling the wip before slapping it against Fell's body. Fell screamed as pain coursed through his body. Every contact with his bones and the wip causing a burning sensation flying through his bones. His throat burned as his screaming filled the room. And then after some time Edge backed away. Blood coating the wip, and a few parts of his body. Fell gasped for air as Edge watched him. Then, with one finale wip, he turned away and out of the shed. Fell's clothes were in pieces as his blood coated his outfit in different shades of red. He quickly checked his HP. He was draining. 0000.1. (Boi how ya still alive?? Not tha i don' wan' ya alive. I meant tha- nvm...) 'Shitshitshitshitshitshitshitshit' He breathed deeply as he activated his healing factor. It wasn't exactly the greatest, but it was something. He hoped he didn't have to use it considering it consumes a lot of energy and if things got out of hand, he wanted to have an escape. But in this case, he has no choice. He forced energy and magic out of his body, praying for it to work as his health was practically dropping off the grid. He grinded his teeth together as he forced more magic out of him until eventually he felt like he couldn't breathe. He stopped the magic flow and gasped for air, coughing as his soul picked up in pace with each shallow breath in. He rechecked his HP. 000.12. He groaned in frustration before his vision grew blurry. He struggled to stay awake, unwanting to fall asleep, not knowing when Edge would came back, it would be a disaster if he had fallen asleep. But at last, his tiredness took control over his body as he fell into a deep sleep.

                   /Time Skip/
He woke up dazed as to where he was and why, when all memories of yesterday flooded his head, causing a headache as he took it all in. Once he processed his situation he looked around frantically, but he didn't see who he was looking for. He let a sigh of relief escape his mouth before checking his HP again. 1. He was back to 1 HP. He paused, thinking over his situation before he remembered his wounds. He looked down, the bleeding had stopped, but the wounds were still clear as day. He froze when he heard the lock on the door shift. His eyes widened with fear as Edge popped in. "I see you're awake, useless idiot.." He snapped before turning away to the chest. 'again..?' Fell thought. "b-but bo-" before he could finish his sentence Edge was again beating him. Fell yelped in pain which soon turned into cries of agony as time went on. Again, Edge backed away, weapon in hand filled with blood and himself. And again, he silently walked away, but one thing was different, as he reached the door he looked back before saying; "Don't think twice, the 'fun' has just begun." Then the sound of a lock clicking was heard after that. Fell hung there, shocked at the statement before he broke into a cold sweat. He definitely didn't want to know what he meant by that, but he didn't think he has a choice. He began to worry, playing the worst scenarios he could think of over and over in his mind. He checked his HP, 0000.9. He gulped as his heart rate quickened. He didn't have enough HP for another round. Then a thought ran across his mind, one that had crossed his mind many times before, but now, it seemed more believable. 'he's gonna kill me.' He thought as his breathing became shallow. He racked his brain for a solution and the only one he could think of was to run away.. That'd be suicide! One side of his brain reasoned. But the thought of dying seemed to push his reason to the back of the brain. He took deep breaths before gathering his magic. Do you even have enough magic to teleport somewhere? He ignored the thought and just decided to teleport to the nearest known destination. It wasn't until he landed face first in a familiar room did he regret his decision..

To be continued...

I'll Give You My All, Until I Can't Give No More/ A Kustard Love StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang