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<Btw, imma refer ta Fell Papyrus as Edge cause i dunno wha else ta call 'im.>

"Oh Fell~....." The skeleton called while chasing said skeleton. "Oh sh**!" He yelled breathlessly while continuing to run. Not even minutes before he called Blueberry an idiot for not knowing how to pronounce 'cinnamon', well he had said it to everyone in general, but of course he just had to be facing the blue scarf wearing skeleton, leading to an angry Horror on his tail. By now Blue was trying to stop the cat chase with Classic by his side. "Hey! No cursing! And Horror would you please stop trying to hurt Fell? He's our friend!" Blue spoke as he cut in between the shorter skeletons. (Yea sure, you're just tall cause your boots) "Move it blue. He has it comin'." He growled, not removing his glare from Fell. "yea! why don' ya listen ta ya husband, eh? and leave me the fu** alone!" Well that was it. Fell had just signed his will as Horror used a side-step and then a shortcut to avoid Blue and trap the cursing skeleton between the wall and his weapon. "Any last words?" Horror grinned. "fu** you." Fell said without missing a beat while creating a sharp red bone, causing Horror's eye to glow as he lowered his blade. In a split second, a bright blue light glared in front of Fell, and as quickly as it came, it disappeared along with Fell. "What the he-?" Horror was cut off with a light smack to the head. He looked behind him to see Blue standing behind him. He looked quite mad. "Well sh**.." Horror said before Blue began. "Horror! That was very rude of you! Apologize to Fell!" He pointed towards the sight of Classic holding Fell in his arms. Fell was shocked for a bit as he didn't move until he realised what was happening around him. He caused the bone to disappear as he growled at Classic, "let me go." He said, clearly irritated that both Blue and Classic had stopped the fight. He didn't need their help. Classic set Fell down. "Well?" Blue spoke as he broke the silence. "Tsk... I'm sorry.." Horror grumbled. "Fell?" Blue urged him. Fell rolled his eyes in response. "'m sorry." He spat. They both glared at each other before scoffing and looking away. (Babies..) Blue sighed as Classic shrugged. "Alright Horror, it's time to put your weapon away!" This caught Horror off guard. "What? B-But-" "Horror, weapons are not for violence! They're for cooking!" "weapons are for violence. that's why it's called weapons, dumba**.." Fell mumbled, but flinched when Horror turned his head towards his direction, eye glowing dangerously. Classic sighed in return. "Horror." Horror snapped his head in Blue's direction. "The knife?" "But Blue, I was havin' such a knife time." He forcefully chuckled as the scarf wearing skeleton continued trying to pry the weapon from his grip. Once in his hands, he placed the weapon in the kitchen, struggling to ignore the continuous whimpering from the weapon wielding skeleton. Once he returned he started to pet Horror, earning himself happy growls and weird looks from Fell and Classic. "ok, um.. now what?" Classic stated. Blue paused as he thought for a moment. "What about a sleepover!" He suggested, eyes sparkling with joy at the thought. Horror smiled at Blue, happily accepting the idea if it made Blue happy. (Wow😑.. what a quick 360.) "sure." Classic said before yawning. "pass." Fell spoke before starting to head out the door. Half way through the door and instead of meeting the porch, he meets Blue in front of him, making him take a few steps back. "the fu-?" "You're staying!" Blue spoke, cutting Fell's sentence. Blue then proceeded to shortcut both himself and Fell back to where they started. "the fu** Blue?!" "We're going to have a sleepover!" The overly excited skeleton announced, completely ignoring Fell's protests. "i have somewhere ta go! i ain' got time for this sh**!" "I don't care!" Blue spoke, a smile plastered across his face. Horror and Classic had already left the scene knowing that they wouldn't be able to leave either so what was the point in arguing? Eventually Fell had enough and shortcutted back to his house. "Aww.." Blue complained as he sat next to Horror on the couch, sulking. Horror removed his eyes from the game he was playing with Classic and patted the skeleton's back. "Don't worry 'bout it. We'll have our own sleepover, and anyways, he probably had stuff to do." Horror said softly, hoping to cheer his boyfriend's spirit. Blue smiled at him lovingly appreciating Horror's soothing words. (Soo beautiful 👌 noice) Fell gulped as he reached his front door. He had just checked the time on his phone, he didn't realise how late it had gotten. 'boss'll really let me have it now..' Fell thought as all the wore scenarios flooded his mind. Each worse than the last, each thought leaving a sinking feeling in his chest. 'he wouldn' kill me... would he? nah... at least i think so..' (Yea, don' worry 'bout it, we're just talking about the person who drains your HP 🙄...) Fell's hands shook as he shakingly opened the door. Right in front of the door was the taller skeleton, glaring down at the smaller skeleton. "heh, heya bo-" Fell managed before being cut off by his brother's actions. Before he knew it, Fell was slammed against the wall, his brother placing a sharp bone against his neck causing Fell to gulp as it moved closer. "Why are you so late?!? Is it that hard to follow simple instructions!? 'Be here by 7:30 so can help me lock up my newest prisoner'. That's all you had to do! So what were you doing?!" (Buyin' Taco Bell! Wtf were you doin'?!... Aight, imma shut up now so y'all can yell at 'im yourself.) He snapped as he moved the bone even close, by now it was pressing against his bone. Fell gasped as it pressed against his bone roughly. "i-i was at a friend's house! t-they wanted me to stay and wouldn' let me l-!" Again he was cut off as the tall skeleton manifested a bone and stabbed it through his shoulder bone causing immense pain. "Argh!" He called in pain. "And you couldn't stop them?! How weak are you?! Shouldn't even exist in the first place if you can't even keep your friends in check!" Edge yelled as he summoned more bones, pushing them into each of Fell's limbs, ignoring as his brother screamed in pain. He continued to relentlessly stab him until eventually, even if he released Fell, the bones would keep him up against the wall. By now, Fell was bleeding and gasping for breathe. Unfortunately for him, he just started. He started beating Fell up relentlessly, with seemingly no end. He continued even with the spell of copper filling in the air from Fell's wounds, he ignored the sound his fists made on impact with Fell's bones, he continued until what he felt was enough, and walked away, done with what Fell could assume, his temporary punching bag. Fell groaned his pain, and he teleported onto the floor, not even caring how his body smashed against the ground. He checked his HP, barley a quarter left. He limply gathered enough magic to teleport to the first aid kit, and then he heard his brother call out to him, "Bye useless! I'll be back, probably, and then I'll show you what happens when you disobey me." He growled and then shut the door with a loud slam. Then he was alone, left with multiple wounds, broken bones, and not even a quarter of HP...

To be continued...

I'll Give You My All, Until I Can't Give No More/ A Kustard Love StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin