chapter 9

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"ok, so we got 7 pairs of clothes, that's good." Classic smiled, glancing at Fell still wearing his clothes. He handed Fell the bag. "here, so you can change, you don't have to keep wearing that now that you have clothes." Fell shrugged but didn't lift his hand to the bag. Classic stared at him strangely before turning away as the small skeleton glared at him. "well, what do you want to do now?" "dunno." Fell said, burrowing his skull into the comfy material. Classic fought a smile forming on his face. "well, i don't know bout you, but i'm hungry." Classic said, and as if on cue, his stomach growled. Fell searched the area, he too had to admit that he was hungry. Upon scanning the area, he finds a small what looks to be a store? But instead of clothes, it had food. Fell nodded his head in the direction of the food store to Classic. Classic nodded and followed after him. They stopped in front of the door as they saw a human enter. Classic lightly nudged the man before asking, "what's this place?" The man turned with a sneer. "Don't touch me." He stated, an ice cold tone laced in his words. "woah there buddy, don't gotta be so icy." Classic chuckled, stepping back as the man took a swing at him. "You making fun of me?!" Fell stepped in front, eyes gleaming with red magic. "knock knock." He said. The man only got more agitated. "who's there?" Fell answered for him. Jumping out the way as he gave another swing. Classic wanted to interfere but he knew he didn't want to. Fell was mad, and anyway, he knew he coule handle himself. He just hoped they didn't make much of a scene. He glanced around the area to see a crowd swarming them. He sighed, as he raised his hands to shrug. Fell could feel eyes in the back of his skull and he could see people other than the idiot in front of him. "half a face." He continued with his routine. Dodging blows and relaying his joke. "half a face who?" He mocked, changing his voice in a crude attempt to match the human man. He knew he was making him madder, it was the entire purpose. Eventually the man became tired as Fell evaded one last swing. He smiled wickedly at the man out of breath. "half a face is wha you'll be when 'm done wit' ya!" He yelled, jumping to the man, with bone in hand. "ok, that's enough." Classic said, picking Fell out of the air and under his arm. "wha?" Fell struggled out of his grasp. "wha's wrong wit' ya?! i was jus' 'bout ta finish him!" Classic rolled his eyes as an answer as he turned to the people. "show's over." He said, to be met with grumbles and mumbles. Even Fell was a part of the grumbles. Classic teleported both Fell and himself, bringing them back home. Fell plopped on his couch. Stomach growling in defiance as his mouth stopped moving. Classic turned to the kitchen, making a quick meal before handing it to him. He also served himself. Fell turned the tv on, not knowing what else to do. Classic watched with him, falling asleep after a few seconds into the first 5 minutes. Fell scoffs as he turns back to the tv. He shuts it off after a few minutes and leaves the house. He needs a walk.

I'll Give You My All, Until I Can't Give No More/ A Kustard Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now