Chapter 2

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"fuckin' hate that dumb bitch..." Fell continued to mumble as he neatly finished wrapping hid bandages. Once done, he checked his HP, "..0.5.." He muttered. "Tsk.." He stood up, ignoring the sharp pains and aches in his body and made his way outside. He scanned his backyard when he found what he was looking for, it was a small red dog house. It was a bit rusted from not being in use but overall, it looked brand new. He groaned and limped his way to the dog house. Whenever Edge was mad, he knew better than to stay in the house, he will "only be in the way", and his brother says. And anyways, seeing Fell obey his commands sometimes made Edge ease up on the punishments. He remembers the first time Edge had introduced Fell to the dog house, of course Edge had been mad at Fell and Fell left to Grillby's when he came back however, Edge was standing in the living room, patiently awaiting Fell's return. When Edge had noticed Fell, he motioned for him to follow him, he then led the confused skeleton through the back door to stop at the red dog house. "..uh, we buyin' a dog, or somethin'?" Fell spoke in a soft tone as to not aggravate the silent skeleton. "No, this will be your new house! Whenever i say so, got it?" Fell's mouth fell open. (see what i did there? heheheh) "w-what do you mean, boss?" "Do i need to repeat myself?! You will stay in here until i come get you for your punishments! Anymore questions and I'll cut your dumb head off!" Edge spoke in a sharp voice before spinning on his heel and trending back inside. Once out of sight Fell growled. "f***in' bulls***... me havin' ta stay in a dog house.." He kicked the side of the miniature house and gripped his foot when pain stroke. "sh**!" He yelped. He sat on the ground, the pain had already subsided. "tch.. 'm not usin' that." He stood up, and walked back inside. Ignoring the now abandoned red dog house.

                        /time skip\
"So useless! I asked you to stay at your post! And what did you do!? You ran to the forest! Why can't you do anything i ask you?!" Edge screamed at Fell. "why the fu** do i havta stay at a fu**in' post?!" Fell retorted. "Because it's your job! And because i ordered you to, and when i order something, you do it!" "you're not the fu**in' boss of me!!" Edge twitched. He slowly straightened himself and slowly approached Fell who was cursing under his breath. "fu**fu**fu**fu**fu**fu**fu**fu-" Edge roughly grabbed Fell by the collar of his coat and threw him against the floor. Fell trembled in pain as his brother threw him harshly against the wall, to which he then threw him against the ceiling, exhibiting his strength while he continued to 'punish' Fell. It had lasted for an hour before Edge had stopped. "I want to see you in that dog house that i bought you when i get back, and if you aren't.." He glared at Fell. "You know what happens." And with that, he left to revise his traps, leaving Fell alone. Fell huffed a weak breath of air. He just wanted to die.. He didn't want to live through this.. He was tired of it. Eventually of many trials and errors or trying to get up, he gave up and just laid there, unable to get up and unwanting to.

Ok that's it, i have a headache and i really can't continue right now. Though, as an apology, I'll probably, (if i have time cause school and that dumb sh**) I'll update the next one earlier than i did with this. Again, sorry for the short chapter.

I'll Give You My All, Until I Can't Give No More/ A Kustard Love StoryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora