Chapter 3

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He shook the memory out of his skull. He didn't like thinking about that. He had never regretted something that much in his entire life... Well, besides being made of course. Though that wasn't entirely his plan, but he could just end it all... Right? Be done with it..? But what about Papyrus? What will happen to him. He shook his skull, and fell down. He was quite dizzy and tired.. So tired.. And he was in pain.. But he just couldn't bring himself to hate Papyrus.. No matter what, he still loved his little brother.. He crawled into his dog house and laid there, trying to relax his sore bones and catch up on sleep, and within minutes time, he had fallen asleep. Completely forgetting what would happen to him the moment his brother came back.

<time skip>
"Oh useless brother! You better be in that dog house or you know what happens!" Edge screeched as he stepped through the front door. He paused as he smelt blood in the air. (No duh. Ya broke his fucking bones Edge!) "You stupid monster! Didn't I tell you to clean up this house!?" Fell groaned as he shuffled in the dog house. Barely able to move due to it being too small. "Argh!" Fell gripped his skull. It felt like someone was smashing a hammer against it. "Answer me, idiot! The Great and Terrible Papyrus wants you to answer him!" Fell rolled his eyes. "Over here, boss!" He called, not daring to come out of the dog house without his permission. Edge strolled out to the back yard and yielded to a halt in front of Fell. "And are you going to stay there all day!? You and your stupid laziness!" He bended down. "Get out of there already!" "'re the one who made me get in 'er in the first place.." "What was that?!" "nothin'.." He mumbled. As he stood up, still in pain as he rised to his feet. He quickly checked his HP, 0.7. 'well shit.' He thought before Edge gripped his collar and threw his against the dog house, coating it in a fresh new red color. Edge dropped Fell to the ground, bones clanking as his body came into contact with the ground. "Get up! We're going to the torture chamber!" He walked along, leaving Fell struggling to get up. Fell limped quietly behind Edge. Regretting even waking up this morning. They arrived at the shed, Edge banged the door open, "dramatically" as he likes to call it. "" Fell hears as he turns his head in the direction of the voice. In the dark he saw a shadowy figure. He crept closer. Then he saw a human, nailed to the wall. He was bleeding and he appeared to be skin and bones. Or rather, just bones. Fell could tell he was struggling to breathe. Then as if someone had turned off a light, his head fell down, as he stopped breathing. '....fuck..' "Ugh! He just had to die didn't he!? I didn't say he could die! Now what would I use to gain information! Or to at least use him as a punching bag!" Fell grimaced. Edge pulled him by his arm and strapped him up by the dead human. "b-boss? can' we talk 'b-about this?" Fell begged while the taller skeleton secured the straps on his arms, legs and chest. He stepped away. "Oh come on Sans, don't be such a baby." He stated simply before turning to the chest that was all too familiar for Fell. "b-boss.... bo- bro, please, bro-!" Fell screamed in pain as a weapon he couldn't make out came into contact with his tattered body. Every new hit hitting the preexisting ones in massive pain. His mind became fuzzy as his screams began to become drowned out by pain. Until eventually everything went black. He woke up, eventually in the shed. Still hanging but Edge wasn't there anymore. He looked to the corpse next to him. He was started to decay, leaving an awful stench in the confined space. Fell scrunched his nose in disgust as he tried to steady his pounding head. He was alone in a dark shed. He felt terrible. He felt like he had been hit by a racing car. He could feel his blood dripping out of his wounds. The bandages he had put before, now being of no use to the new wounds bleeding. Each drop on the floor, making him more conscious of the situation he was in. He began to worry. Sure this had happened to him before but, not so bad where he'll pass out. And not where his brother would leave him in the shed. 'probably preparin' fer round 2.. tha bitch..' He clenched his fists, regretting it immediately as even the slightest move seems to agitate his wounds, making it both bleed more and hurt more. He really regrets being born in this moment.... He really does..

I'll Give You My All, Until I Can't Give No More/ A Kustard Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now