Chapter 18 - Allegiance

Start from the beginning

I felt lightheaded as I watched the liquid enter my body.

As the syringe was withdrawn. My body fell limply back in my seat.

What had I done?

For once, I stayed conscious. Unfortunately.

I experienced every sickening, terrifying and excruciating second.

Every inch of my skin crawled with a feeling of razor blades being dragged over it. Even my eyes burned and itched. I longed to curl into a ball and scream but was held still. My mouth covered.

Laying still afterwards; I felt different. It was as if there was something missing inside of me that used to be there. But I had no idea what it was.

I glanced up to see that the room was empty except for me and Drake.

I turned to him and smiled gratefully. I couldn't remember why I had needed this. But he had helped me. Saved me. I owed him.

Drake smiled at me, his blue eyes twinkling merrily. He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and I felt my face flame. He was so handsome.

"Feel better now?" he was looking at me so tenderly. I had no idea how I'd felt before, but it had to have been horrible.

I nodded happily; pleased he was interested in me.

Suddenly, I became aware that something smelled really good.

I glanced around the room, eyes finally settling on the congealing bloodstain on the carpet.

Elation swelled inside me, and a rush of adrenaline swept through me so suddenly, it took every bit of willpower to stay still.

My mouth watered at the sight of a puddle of blood so big. A puddle that just had to have resulted in death. Delicious, definitive, death.

A cold feeling crept over me as I hurriedly squashed the thought. I shivered lightly.

Glancing up worriedly, I looked to Drake to tell me that everything would be ok.

He was facing me; light blue jeans slung low, showing the slightest hint of his lean abdomen.

I blushed and looked away. He looked so good.

"Like what you see?" he murmured, darting over to me. A cheeky grin on his face.

As he cupped my chin in his strong hand, I bit my lip. Oh yes, I liked. I liked a lot.

He dropped his gaze to my lips, and I shivered in anticipation.

Clear blue eyes held my own as he inched forwards, agonisingly slow.

This tension was familiar. The anticipation that raced through me a reminder of something... something amazing that I couldn't quite remember, but knew I'd felt before. It had been more potent, sharper, and stronger. This was only a shadow of what it had been.

Deep navy eyes flashed before mine and heat shot through my body. I groaned and wrenched myself away from Drake. This wasn't right. Something was wrong.

Drake frowned. "Charlie?"

I backed away from him. Heart stuttering painfully in my chest. His frown deepened and he shot to my side, grabbing my chin roughly.

"Kiss me." it was an order. Growled in a tone that was supposed to leave no room for argument.

I shook as the need to cooperate warred with my confusion.

Feeling sick I shook my head frantically.

I should want to kiss him. It was Drake. I should feel honoured. But I didn't.

I couldn't shake the feeling I was missing something. Something important, that if I could just remember then everything would be fine.

His eyes glinted with anger. "It wasn't a request. Fucking kiss me."

Again, I backed away, too slow in my uncertainty.

Suddenly Drake grabbed me, flinging me onto the bed and growling viciously in my face. "You still have some spirit left to break I see?"

Tears welled in my eyes as he pulled at my clothes, tearing them from my body and leaving me bare beneath him.

I knew it was my fault. I had angered him. I deserved this.

He flipped me onto my front, roughly tearing off his belt and gripping the leather between his fists so hard that it squeaked.

"Let me remind you of your place." He snarled.

Pain sliced through me as the first hit landed. His bruising grip on my shoulders pushed me into the bed until I was gasping for air.

He growled. Each of his blows harder and more painful than the last.

I sobbed as he finally jerked away, flinging the belt so hard that the buckle embedded into the plaster of the nearby wall.

And how could I complain? I was his, after all.

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