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Prompt: Giving Anna reassurance.

AN: short but v v sweet chapter. i love my readers and i want to know what y'all want. i have some of your recommendations in the makings, but i could definitely use more!! love y'all and u matter to me. have a great day.


"where's anna?" i questioned the girls, walking into the house alongside mitchell and my older brother, christian.

karina points upstairs with a somber face, making me worried. leaving my brother's side, i walk towards the stairs, skipping every other step. i could hear the faint whispers of two people down the hallway.

making my way towards the door, i opened it. seeing eva comfort anna as she cried, made my heart break. immediately, i started questioning myself. what did i do? what did i say? what rumor was made up about me now?

both girls look to me, my presence clearly known. eva gives me a sad look, looking to anna. i see them whisper to each other, eva getting up right after. walking past me eva, rubs my shoulder. once she exits, i close the door and speed over to anna.

sitting down on the bed right next to her, i pull her trembling body into a hug. rubbing her back, i try to calm her down. clearly she's not mad at me, for she was hugging me like i was going to vanish.

"it's okay. shhhh..." calming anna down was something i had gotten good at. i knew what made her happy, and tired. what made her giggly and mad.

her little sobs made me feel like a boulder was crushing my heart over and over.

"do you l-love me?" anna whispered. so this is what this is about. i immediately held her tighter, trying to make her feel so loved.

"of course i love you. i love you enough to fight for you, enough to where'd i'd sacrifice myself for you. i love you when we're apart, when we're together, when we're angry with each other. god anna, you're the first person that makes my heart beat out of its chest. every single day i see you, you get more and more perfect. you're perfect inside and out. you have the heart too big for your own good and god do i love you for it." putting my hands on anna's cheeks, i make her look at me. tears slowly roll down her cheeks as i talk.

"and i can't wait to spend the rest of my days with you. i know we're young, but we can have our little romeo and juliette. nothing in this relationship is about here and now. everything i do for you, is leading up to that big moment, when we're both ready. you are the most caring, delicate, compassionate, trustworthy, inspiring human being i've ever met. i can't reassure you of anything but this, i love you. to infinity and beyond that." by the end of my little reassuring speech, anna isn't crying anymore. she has a little smile on her face, her top teeth grabbing her lip.

"you see a future with me?" her shaky, but cute voice made me smile.

"i don't just see it anna, i'm planning it. i already know we're going to live in beverly, near the beach of course. a dog. maybe two if you learn how to potty train." i get a little giggle out of her, making my heart do a happy dance.

"i want two. so the other one always has a friend."

"then we'll get two. and i know we will have kids."

"we'll name the boy luca. my favorite name." anna played with my fingers as we talked over our future.

"we will get a g-wagon. rolling up to sports practices in style." i pretended to drive around, anna giggled leaning forward to kiss me. i kissed back, moving my arms around her neck softly.

"thank you y/n. thank you for giving me all the reasons to commit." knowing about anna's background, and her issues with committing, i couldn't help but blush. i felt as though anna was the only person i needed to survive, "i love you."

she's said those words before, but this time there was such a strong feeling that came after it. it felt like this time, we both were truly and fully in love with each other.

"i love you too." tackling anna down onto the bed, i put my head into the crook of her neck. i was laying on top of her, like a koala bear. anna's hands wrapped around my lower back, keeping me in place.

i ran my finger nails through her hair, making her sigh in contentment. feeling her put the blankets over my back, i decided to close my eyes.

"can you sing?" anna whispered, making me smile into her neck.

i started to sing lightly into her neck, making her heartbeat speed up. i could feel it against my stomach. once i saw anna was knocked out, i kissed her neck. grabbing my phone, i took a picture of her, posting it to my snapchat. setting my phone down, i laid back against her warm body. her arms immediately went to my butt, holding me there protectively. even while asleep, she's freaky as fuck.

"i love you. i love you. i love you." i just kept whispering into her neck, until i drifted off to sleep.

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