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Prompt: You're a soccer player that's dating Anna.

AN: once again, sorry for the absence. school has been a bitch and i needed some me time. hopefully my updating schedule becomes regular again. anyways, i love all of you. especially those who love the uswnt. and my beb:)

"boon i gotta go get on the bus." i say to my girlfriend as she smiles. i watch as she slips my jersey over her beautiful body.

"okay. text me before the game. good luck my love." anna whispered, kissing the camera. i wave to her, hanging up the facetime.

back in la anna was having a little party for the game. she lives in this mansion with a bunch of friends she met over a scary pedophile app. i'm not one to judge of course, seeing as i love each and every one of her friends.

"ellie! was that who i think it was!" my bestfriend mallory pugh scared me, grabbing my shoulders. i jumped, putting down my phone.

"jesus mal!"

"was it anna!?" lindsey horan was the second to ask, excitement flowing through her eyes.

"yes." i whisper, making my bestfriends jump and down. ever since i got a girlfriend they've been so happy for me. they want to meet her so bad. anna is a huge uswnt fan, so i know she'd love that.

"em! rose! sam! everyone!" lindsey shouted grabbing the lobby's attention, "ellie just got off the phone with her girlfriend!"

"no way lindsey!? that's amazing! ellie talking to her girlfriend!" kelley o'hara sarcastically yells back.

"that is amazing. i'm happy for you." my home away from home mom, christen press rubs my back. being the youngest on the team has its perks.

"chris is right. we're more than happy for you, but we need to meet her asap." alex morgan adds on, "now focus up. it's game time."

lindsey, mal, rose, and emily take that as their cue to settle down. eventually the bus gets here, and we load up onto it.

we arrived at the field in orlando. we were playing australia and i was nervous, as usual. australia was a good team, an excellent team. sophia smith, the other youngin, had just finished braiding my hair.

"thanks soph." i kiss her cheek as we get up. i turn up my music, trying to get in the zone. walking pass the press and some fans, i try to stay in the zone. my adhd is screaming at me to loose focus on the game at hand. it's the same story before every game.

entering the locker room, we put our stuff down and get changed into our warmup gear.

3rd person pov (back in la)

everyone back at nach was more than ready to watch the soccer game. all the girls were excited to watch ellie play, the boys simply loving soccer.

anna had just finished making a tiktok, wishing her girl a virtual good luck. in it the song 'that's my girl' by fifth harmony was playing. anna pointed to the tv that showed ellie warming up, lip singing "that's my girl"

"boon come sit down. the game is about to start in a few." sab said motioning to a spot next to her and dev. anna listened, sitting down next to the two girls. zack turned up the tv, sitting on the ground next to jake and mitchell.

"allie what are you looking forward to most in this game?" one of the tv announcers, sebastian, asked.

"i'm looking forward to seeing the dynamic in the middle. vlatko has decided on starting veteran julie ertz with both lindsey horan, who had experience, then with ellie bates, who is only 17. this will be interesting to watch not only because of the age difference but because of the experience." allie said to sebastian making anna smile as they mentioned her girlfriend.

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