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Prompt: Anna has been getting excessive hate so you decide to visit her.

eva finally let go of me, letting me walk into the house. sab ran up and gave me my fair share of hugs, kissing all over my face. cynthia was over, so i got tackled by her. but i was only looking for her.

"where's anna?" i asked the girls. all of them smiled, pointing up the stairs.

"anna! come down!" sab yelled, her voice echoing through the large house.

"gosh she's gonna be so happy. you don't understand clar. she's been so upset, so sleep deprived. you leaving a month ago didn't help." eva explained, making me frown at myself. i hate leaving anna to go back to new york but acting is a demanding job and anna understands that.

"sab why were you yelling?" i heard her voice echo through the staircase and i prepared myself. i was so ready to be back in her arms.

"i have a surprise." sab called back, anna's footsteps could be heard right after sab said this. when her face appeared at the end of the staircase, i couldn't help myself. i ran over, jumping onto her and wrapping my legs around her waist, my arms going tightly around her neck.

i could tell she was happy without even looking at her. anna hugged me tightly, rubbing my back. lifting my head out of her neck, i looked at her drained face. she was pale, and had dark, dark circles under her eyes. i moved my hands to her cheeks, rubbing them gently. leaning in, i gave her a kiss, something she seemingly needed.

eventually, she set me down, not letting go of my body. anna was touch and sleep deprived. all i wanted to know was what happened to the little ball of energy i left back in LA.

"how are you here. school? shooting?" anna asked, still looking over my face.

"i know how to make things work. i'm not leaving you for a while." i made sure she knew i wasn't leaving her until she was ready. anna needed me, and i needed her.

"do you guys care if we go take a nap, 7 hour flights take the life outta you." i asked, turning to the girls.

"of course! the other girls will be back with dinner in an hour or so." nodding at cynthia, i grab anna's hand and motion for her to follow me upstairs. doing just that, we walked all the up to her room. i entered the large room that i missed so much, seeing the purple tint from her led 'sup gamerz' sign.

taking off me shoes, i jumped onto the bed. anna, right behind me, pulled me into a tight bear hug.

"you don't know how much i needed you here."

her whispers made me more tired, as. reached for the covers. anna covered us up, kissing down my shoulder giving me noticeable goosebumps. i turned, facing her, just in case she wanted to talk.

"what's been going on bub? look at you, you look like you haven't slept in days." i rub my hand over her cheek, my thumb going over her dark circles. her ocean eyes closed, her skin sucking up this attention. i continued to rub her face, but a loud sniffle broke me out of my trance.

i watched a tear roll down her cheek, "hey..anna look at me. what's going on?"

"people hate me! i made one mistake, commenting on that girls video. now they won't stop. i already missed you enough but then that just kinda sent me over the edge. you're going to make it all better. you always do." even in the saddest moments, anna can warm my heart to 1000 degrees.

"people will move on. they always find something new to focus on after a week or so. you apologized to the girl, and y'all are on talking terms. let everyone think what they want to, you know yourself. and regarding me, i'll be here until i'm not. so just let me hold you." anna's eyes open at my words, her cheeks getting rosy. energy flashed in her eyes as she leans forward and kisses my lips. i get a little kiss back before i pull away.

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