Lesson 10: Unnecessary Mess

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Lesson 10: Unnecessary Mess

"You sure this is the right way?" Kole asked, shooting me a sceptical look.

I rolled my eyes, repeating myself for what must have been the millionth time. "Yes, I'm sure. Unless you're questioning Henry and Robert's technical skills?"

"Nah, they're never wrong. You're the rookie here, Jaia."

I resisted the urge to scoff. Me a rookie? I could juggle knives before he knew his seven times table. I was already speaking four languages by the time he could do a cartwheel. I knew— breathe, Jaia. Breathe. My fingers itched to show how just how much of a rookie I was but I held back, staring out of the car window to distract myself.

A few minutes later Kole sighed, scowling at the empty road ahead of us. "You definitely remembered the number plate correctly?"


"You sure 'cause—"

"Yes I'm fucking sure, Kole. I've been with you guys for three years now. I'm not an idiot," I hissed.

"Jeez, someone's testy today."

"And you sure are irritating today."

Kole chuckled, flexing his fingers on the steering wheel. "You're just easy to wind up, Jaia. It's fun."

I stuck my tongue out at him and crossed my arms. "Or maybe I'm just in a bad mood because someone made us get up at five in the morning."

He shrugged, not seeming even slightly apologetic. "A little less sleep won't kill you."

He was so much like Emilio. "You're like my annoying big brother, you know that?"

"You have an older brother?" He quirked a brow and I stiffened but luckily he didn't notice because he was driving.

"No. Only child as far as I'm aware but I had friends with older brothers. We're bickering just like they used to."

He shot me a wink. "We don't have to act like siblings if you'd rather be something else?"

The smirk on his lips made me want to vomit. "Gross. Did you just forget the whole 'brother' thing?"

He stopped at a red light, throwing his head back as he laughed. "I'm just teasing, Jaia. You're like the irritating baby sister I never had and I'm not into that shit."

I punched his arm. "Focus on the road, dummy."

"Relax. I could drive this thing blindfolded if I wanted to. Now, tell me more about this Jacob guy."

Yesterday, after I'd called Kole and told him about my day at the university, he'd suggested that I inform Celine. She'd agreed that he was worth checking out even if all I had to go on was a hunch.

I'd given Henry the number plate I'd remembered and he did the rest. Apparently, his name was Jacob Miller and he was twenty-three years old. He lived alone and worked part-time at the Hive Cafe (where I had first met Zack) and part-time at a martial arts centre in town. He had been arrested twice, both for charges of unprovoked assault. He'd also been held back a year when he was at school thanks to his constant suspensions and neglect to attend classes so had just managed to barely scrape through the second time around. On the surface, it seemed he had cleared up his act because for the last year his record had been squeaky clean but I wasn't so sure.

"Henry told us both the same information."

"I mean, what did you think of him? You're the one who's met the guy."

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