Lesson 18: Family Dinners

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Lesson 18: Family Dinners

As usual, I was staring out of the car window counting trees as Zack drove down the busy streets. 87. His hand was on my thigh and the slight squeeze he gave it as we turned a sharp corner brought the faintest flush to my cheeks.

Noah groaned from behind us. The poor kid looked as pale as a ghost when we'd picked him up and I didn't think a fast-moving car was helping with the sickness.

"Noah, do you want some water?" I asked, already reaching for the water bottle in the passenger door.

"No thanks. I'll just throw it up."

"What happened to you, little man?" Zack asked with a worried frown, glancing at his brother's awfully pale complexion through the rearview mirror.

Noah waved him off, resting his head against the window. "There's just been this bug going 'round. Nothing I can't handle." His voice was weak and unfocused but I had to admire his nonchalance.

"Anything we can do to help?"

"Don't say that. He'll just take advantage of us," Zack tried to warn me but it was too late. Noah's blue eyes were glowing with mischief.

"We could go get dessert."

Zack narrowed his eyes, flipping his indicator. "I thought your stomach was hurting."

Noah shrugged, trying unsuccessfully to appear less nauseous. "There's always space for cake."

I couldn't help my laugh, he reminded me a lot of my little cousins back home. "How about we order something so you can still have a lie down first."

"I'm beginning to like you, Cassie," Noah grinned and I matched his smile, shooting Zack a wink in the process when he looked at me with a defeated sigh.


"I can't believe you agreed to let him order cake," Zack groaned after we were back at his family home and Noah had gone to have a nap.

The house — or rather, mansion — was gorgeous and well decorated. It had a modern feeling and was sleek with a mostly black and white colour pallet. Someone would easily get lost on their first few attempts at looking for rooms without directions.

We were in their games room just lounging about on one of the sofas and I gave Zack an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry if I overstepped. I didn't mean to. The poor guy just looked like he could really do with a pick-me-up."

He sighed, relaxing his posture as he slouched back on the sofa. "It's fine, honestly. If you hadn't succumbed to his charming act I would've eventually. I can never say no to that kid. I think he's the hardest to say no to out of the triplets — or anyone in general for that matter — but Harper would say it's Carter and Wyatt would say it's Brooke."

I laughed at that, leaning back on the sofa so I was lying on his lap. "So they're all pretty good at getting what they want?"

"Yep. They're little devils the lot of them."

They sounded like my kind of people. "I can't wait to meet them."

Zack was twirling my hair between his fingers, his touch so soft and gentle. "You won't have to wait long. They'll be home before dinner. Speaking of, I'd like it if you stayed so I can make it up to you for that awful lunch."

I hesitated. Meeting his family sounded like a commitment I definitely wasn't ready for. But you're only pretending to like him so what does that matter? "I don't know, Zack..."

"Please. I promise you won't have to have any more of my bad cooking. Anna doesn't let anyone near the kitchen."

"I- I." His eyes were wide and pleading and the way he was staring stopped me from looking away. "Your whole family isn't here are they?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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