Lesson 9: Arrogant Fuckboys

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Lesson 9: Arrogant Fuckboys

"Everything looks good, Cassie. Your leg is healing nicely and you're very lucky it didn't get infected. That would've taken so much longer to heal," the doctor said, smiling at her chart in approval. "The cuts on your arms are fine and I think you're as patched up as can be. But no missions for another week. I want that leg completely better before you go running around doing all those flips and tricks."

I groaned into the pillow. "Like you said, I'm fine doc. I don't need another week. It's already been one week. That should be enough."

She sighed, shaking her head in disapproval. "One week isn't enough and you know that, Cassandra. Putting pressure on your leg is only going to mean it'll take even longer to heal. Besides, I thought you'd love the time off. You get paid to relax."

I scowled but didn't say anything more, knowing she was right.

"How's she doing doc," Celine said from by the door, walking over to stand next to me and read my chart.

"As good as can be expected. No missions for another week though."

"What about some sleuthing?"

The doctor raised a warning brown and Celine lifted her hands up in surrender. "Nothing dangerous or even athletic. Just walking and sitting. If anything, it'll give her some much needed fresh air."

She sighed, handing the chart to Celine. "Fine but if I hear that she's put any and I mean any unnecessary strain on that leg of hers I'll be holding you accountable."

"Fine by me."

The doctor rolled her eyes, leaving the room to give Celine and me some privacy.

"How are you feeling?"

I shrugged, sitting upright and straightening my back. "Fine. What's this sleuthing you want me to do?"

"You're straight to the point."

"Saves time that way."

Celine put my chart down, sitting on the edge of the hospital bed. "Remember your mission from a week ago? The one about hijacking that gang's shipment?"

I gave her a deadpan look, gesturing to my bandaged leg and she laughed softly. "Of course, how could you forget? Great job, by the way, saving the boys. They really can be idiots sometimes. Going in completely blind like that, ridiculous. No clue why they didn't check the place out first to see how many they'd be facing. Anyway, that's not the point. Normally, I'd get Robert to brief you but he's prepping Kole — sorry, I mean Jack — right now and of course you can't go over to them so I'll explain this mission to you instead.

"We've been tracking this particular gang for a while now and it's not pretty. They seem like a lot more than your usual petty criminals. In fact, a lot more like terrorists than anything. That shipment you managed to stop had parts for building bombs and potential nuclear weapons which is why we've decided this case is above the police's pay grade.

"It seems like no matter what we do we keep tracing them to different universities across the country. Not one specific place unfortunately so we've decided to place agents in each of the universities high on our suspicion list.

"This is where you come in. Before we put you in a university we want to make sure it's worth it. So, I want you to check one out for me. Just go around the campus, talk to a few people and get a feel for the place. If you find anything even remotely suspicious let us know. Even if it's just a bad feeling you get. We can't take any chances and by now you should be able to trust your instincts.

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