Lesson 14: Passwords

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Lesson 14: Passwords

"That's the last time I ever do you a favour, Jaia," Kole groaned, holding an ice pack against his left eye.

I laughed, disinfecting his split knuckles with alcohol. "You say that every time yet here we are."

Kole didn't even wince as I patched up his cuts, instead channelling his energy into sending me a death glare. "I can't believe I did the dirty work of drugging Jacob in the fucking bathroom and knocking out the goddamn bouncer who walked in whilst you were getting with that pretty boy."

I shrugged, flashing him my pearly whites. "I was doing crucial work. If it weren't for my flirting with Zack, Jacob would've never made up the excuse of going to the bathroom. Now that's teamwork at its finest."

"Oh, of course, it definitely sounds like the work was split equally. It must be so difficult to flash your tits and snog someone."

"Didn't flash this time. It was too dark to be worth it," I winked.

"Oh definitely. How didn't I think of that?" Kole mused with a sardonic smile. "All I'm getting from that is you did even less than I thought. I've been cheated."

"Isn't it you who constantly likes to remind me that I'm a rookie? If that's true then shouldn't you be carrying most of the workload anyway?"

He rolled his eyes, getting up and heading over to his kitchen cupboards and fishing a protein bar out from them.

After a very successful mission of planting a new bug on Jacob's phone and Kole getting punched in the process because he was too slow to knock the bouncer out, I'd come with Kole back to his flat to help him with his scratches. The little boy needed constant attention and couldn't clean up a few cuts by himself.

He took a bite of his vomit coloured protein bar and smirked at me. "Does that mean you admit I always carry you on missions?"

I scoffed, clearing away the first aid kit and throwing used wrappers in the bin. "If it makes you feel better I could lie and say yes?"

"It never ceases to amaze me how arrogant you are."

"Learnt from the best."

Kole sent me the middle finger just as his phone buzzed on the table. He shot me a warning look which I completely ignored as I dived for it, reaching it just a second before he could.

"Ooo, what's this? A message from... Emily. How exciting," I teased with raised eyebrows as I unlocked his phone to read the text. You'd think an MI5 agent would know not to use the same passwords for everything but not Kole. He must've skipped those lessons or something.

Kole lunged for me but I dodged him, running into the bathroom and locking the door behind me. He banged on the door with his fists over and over again. "Fucking hell, Jaia. Give me my phone back."

"Nope. Do you want to know what Emily's message says?" I asked all too innocently, batting my eyelashes even though he couldn't see me.

He groaned and slammed the door one final time before sighing. "You're impossible, d'you know that? Fine. What does it say?"

I cleared my throat, putting on my high-pitched squeaky voice. "'Ouch. You're so brave fighting off those guys like that, Jack. Don't worry I'll be there as soon as I can to make you feel better in every way I know how. Winky face. Kissy face.' Ew gross, Kole. I think I'm gonna vomit."

He laughed from the other side of the door. "It's your own fault. Now get lost. You're not being here when Emily comes over."

I unlocked the door, pouting as I shoved the phone back into his hands. "I don't want to be, trust me. I just can't believe she's coming to see your sorry ass at one in the morning. Surely any girl has better things to do with their time than be within ten miles of you."

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