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The night air nipped at my skin as I made my way to the specified location which was an isolated house, one story high on the outskirts of the countryside.

I breathed in the autumn air knowing that winter was getting ever closer. There were a scarce number of leaves left on any tree; most had none at all. The whole area was coated in a thin layer of frost, creating the most perfect setting for tonight's events: beautiful yet sinister.

The crunch of the dry leaves beneath my feet was the only sound as I continued my trek to the lonesome house.

Gradually, as I approached, the house began to form a clear image in the darkness. It was nothing special. In fact, it was completely run down. The masses of moss on the walls, the cracks and holes in the clay roof tiles and the unkempt grass surrounding the entire perimeter highlighted that fact.

I hopped over the weathered gate with ease and made my way to the front door. A coat of dust transferred to my gloved hand when I preceded to twist the handle which I promptly ignored, focusing on the task at hand.


I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed, water vapour creating a little cloud in front of me.

Locking doors was pointless because they knew I'd still find away in. At this point, they were just being an inconvenience. Not wanting to kick the door open as that would alert them I was here, I grabbed a pin from my hair, causing a few strands from my bun to fall freely and sway in the wind.

I placed the pin into the lock and proceeded to twist it and apply pressure expertly until I heard a satisfying click. Over the years, I'd mastered the art of picking locks. At first, it would take me a good five minutes with the right tool but now it took me a mere thirty seconds with almost anything thin and sharp.

The door creaked open but, thankfully, the sound was not loud enough to notify anyone more than a few meters away.

The wooden floorboards beneath my feet wobbled as I stepped across them, buckling under the slightest weight but I paid them no mind, sure they'd be able to hold out for a small while longer. My head snapped upwards when I heard noises coming from the back of the house and, naturally, I chose to follow them.

I walked into what I presumed was the kitchen but it was definitely more like a pigsty than anything else. Dishes were piling out of the sink and onto the worktops, rubbish was scattered all over the floor, and there was an absolutely revolting smell coming from the fridge. A small part of my brain was yelling at me to clean up the mess but I pushed the voice away. It was only going to get even messier in a few minutes anyway.

As my eyes scanned the atrocity they landed on the cause of the ruckus: my targets. Two to be exact. One male and one female, both sixteen years of age, in the middle of a heavy make-out session.

The two were so engrossed in each other that they didn't even hear me walk in. Teenagers and their hormones. Idiots.

I cleared my throat in an attempt to vie for their attention but the pair took no notice. Of course they didn't. Plan B it was, I supposed. "Yoohoo, lovebirds, could you stop sucking each other's faces off for a minute please? I'd like to have a word with you both."

Immediately, they split apart, the girl hastily doing up the buttons on her blouse.

"'O the bloody 'ell are you?" The male asked me rather rudely in a thick accent that was rather hard to decipher.

"Now now, that's no way to speak to a guest, is it?" I scolded as if berating a young child.

They both looked at me confused and I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes. Ignoring their mannerisms as best as I could, I continued, "Mona Lawson and Craig Baiter, I presume."

Craig pointed an accusing finger at me, shouting with fear clear in his eyes. "'O the fuck are ya and 'ow d'you know our names?"

I gave him a dry laugh. "I think you know the answer to that."

His face contoured into one of thought and after a few moments, it morphed into a dumbfounded expression.

I let out a sigh of exasperation. "Think about it. Why would someone track you both to this secluded area, break-in and know your names," I said, still using a voice you would when speaking to a five-year-old.

It seemed as though a lightbulb went off in his brain. Did he want a cookie for understanding or something?

"Yes, that's right. Two certain people have done some very bad things and it's my job to make sure that they never do them again."

His expression immediately shifted to one of panic.

The girl, Mona, quickly reached behind the counter she was sitting on and retrieved a gun.

She was fast. Impressive.

She was definitely sharper than the other idiot. People never suspected the quiet ones. I had learned to because it was their trademark. They would act all shy and innocent then suddenly there was a bullet in your face. It wouldn't surprise me if she was the brains behind the operation.

Did she honestly think that she was going to be able to take me down?

She didn't wait to see if I'd noticed her — smart — immediately firing her gun at a rapid pace but, luckily for me, I saw it coming and dodged each bullet with ease.

She looked at me gobsmacked. I supposed I would have been too if I were in her shoes. She'd put up more of a fight than I thought she would, I'd give her that.

"You're a good shot," I said, smirking at her.

Before she could compose herself, I reached for the gun that was tucked into my boot and shot her right in between the eyes. "But I'm better."

One down, one to go.

Craig cried in rage and began to lunge for me which was his mistake. I used his weight and power to my advantage by moving away at the last second so he had no time to stop himself from plummeting to the floor. After I'd successfully dodged his advance, I pushed on his back hard which made his fall much more painful. He crashed to the ground, moaning like a dying cat.

Grabbing him by his hair, I yanked his head up just enough for his eyes to meet mine. "I was hoping to have a bit of fun with this but sadly you and your friend hardly put up a fight. That means playtime's over, kid."

He whimpered in fear and started begging me to spare him. His tough facade had faded really quickly. "Not such a big guy now are you?" I teased.

With his head still in my grasp, I placed one hand on the back of his head and the other by his jaw. In one fluid motion, I violently twisted his head with brutal force until a pleasant cracking sound ricocheted around the room.

What a shame that neither of them really put up a fight. I was looking forward to maybe having a slight challenge.

With a loud thump, his body dropped lifelessly to the floor. He wasn't even worth a bullet.


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