~ Chapter 13 ~

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Hey guys, another late update and a short one at that. Hope you don't mind. 

Also I though the picture was cute so I put it up there. Enjoy!!!

~ Cherry


It had been a while since the fight the demon brothers. No one spoke as they journeyed through the thick canopy of the forest. Tazuna had returned to taking swigs of sake though he consumed a little less than before. Kakashi was reading his signature orange icha icha while the three genin of the group stayed silent. 

Now, they were on sitting on a boat, a small amount of mist hanging in the air as they quietly conversed. 

"So why did you lie to us Tazuna-san?", Kakashi asked, putting his icha icha away. They all looked at him. 

"Well you see, there is a man called Gato", he said it in a way that it sounded like a story. Which it sort of was. "At first when he came to the Land of Waves, he claimed to be just a businessman but then he slowly started taking money from us. Hiring rogue shinobi to kill those who stood up to him", he took a swig of sake. "Eventually because of it, we fell to poverty. And because our home isn't connected to the land but an island in sea, we have no contact with the outside world. It was one of the reasons he chose to take over Waves, because it was isolated from the land."

Naruto, no matter how many times he heard story, always felt a flash of pain. After all, they were some of his closet friends in his time. And plus, it was a natural instinct to him to help those in need. It was how he grew up since he didn't want anyone to the have the childhood children like him had. 

"So I had no other choice but to lie to you" Tazuna sighed. "But it's fine if you just leave me alone. I understand but really, my family will be heart broken. My daughter will blame you leaf ninjas for not saving her father's life and don't forget my grandson. Oh my young and precious grandson, who'll cry over my dead body at my funeral", he was guilt tripping them all and they knew it. 

"It's fine Tazuna-san, we can take you to your home", Sakura reassured him before Kakashi could say anything. "It won't be a problem and if you want, we can even protect you until the bridge is finished", she narrowed her eyes at Kakashi and slight pulled out the end of her kunai. Kakashi's eye widened before he looked at Tazuna and nodded quickly. 

"What she said", he saw Sakura smirk and high-five Naruto. 

"Splendid, I can't thank you enough", the bridge builder grinned. Suddenly, the mist cleared and a huge bridge came into view. They all looked at the approaching island in awe. The island had a lush supply of trees making a forest and looked slightly humid. There a few people bustling about the docks and there were silhouettes of mountains in the far distance. 

"We're approaching land, this is as far as we can go", the boatman said. "I hope you finish the bridge soon Tazuna, we're in a critical situation now", Tazuna nodded.

"We will don't you worry", he replied. "Thank you for giving us a lift, we know how risky it must be for you", the boatman simply waved it off. 

"No need, it's the least I can do for you", he sighed. "especially nowadays because it's everyone for themselves no", the boat hit the shore with a slight bump. "Well, this is where we part ways", they got off one by one. "Good luck", he said before pushing the boat of the shore and disappearing into the mist once more. 

They stood there still for awhile before walking off in the direction of the village. Team 7 were on alert the whole time, knowing what was coming. 

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