~ Chapter 12 ~

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Sorry for the very late update guys. I'm sure you've been waiting for this update. 

Sooo enjoy!!

~ Cherry ~


Team 7 were at their usual spot waiting for their Sensei. The team had mixed feelings towards this particular day as it was the day when they had their mission to Waves. 

"What is taking him so long?", the blond of the group whined. As if on cue, a puff of smoke appeared and Kakashi waved a lazy hand at them. 

"Yo, sorry I'm late", he started. "A black cat crossed my-"

"Oh save it Sensei, we all know how true that is", Sakura interrupted. Kakashi sweat-dropped before straightening up and clearing his throat. 

"Well today we've got another D-rank mission", he pulled out a scroll. "We've got to pick out the weeds-", he was again interrupted by a shout. 

"NO", Naruto shouted. "WE WANNA GO ON A REAL MISSION NOT DO THESE BORING CHORES!!!", he crossed his arms in front of his chest and glared at the masked jonin. 

"Well if that's how you want to do it then we can talk to the Hokage about this", Kakashi said. "You can talk to him on your own", and poofed away. The three of them twitched before they disappeared. 

A moment later appearing in front of the old Hokage. The they looked around to find no Kakashi before looking back at the Hokage and bowing. 

"Heya jiji", Naruto greeted with his usual grin.

"What can I do for you three?", asked the old Hokage. 

"Well we want a different mission jiji". Hokage simply smiled and took out a folder. 

"Well we have", he started looking through different pages, "picking up weeds, painting an old man's fence, babysit-". 

"NO! We want a tougher mission", the blond yelled. Sasuke and Sakura sighed, before interceding. Naruto may be a Hokage, but in the end, he's still Naruto. 

"What he means Lord Hokage is that we're confident on taking a harder mission since these current missions aren't exactly helping us in anyway", Sakura spoke in a polite voice. Before anyone could say anything else Sasuke started talking. 

"We understand that there are certain ranks for each shinobi but we think we can do a higher rank", Sarutobi leaned back on his chair and raised a brow. 

"And what makes you so sure that you can handle it?", he asked. 

"Anyone who has the ability to fool Kakashi-sensei and beat him can", Naruto smirked. As if on cue, the white-haired jonin appeared in a puff of smoke with annoyed expression on his already masked face. "Ah Kakashi-sensei, we were just talking about you", Naruto greeted. 

"Oh and what exactly were you talking about me?", he asked politely. 

"Hmm nothing really. Just telling jiji how we're classified to go on a harder mission since were able to beat you", the blonde said innocently, rocking on his feet. 

Sarutobi was amused. And here he thought Kakashi would come back and say he's not interested in taking the on. But it's quite the contrary to seems. He cleared his throat and looked at the masked jonin in the eye. 

"Well Kakashi what do you think?", Sarutobi asked. "After all, you are their sensei. Do you think your team can handle a higher rank mission?", he leaned forward and placed his hands on his desk. Just as Kakashi was about to answer, Sakura gripped his hand in an iron grip and smiled cheerily at the Hokage. 

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