
An hour later, I was able to make out what looked like a strip of land- an island.

A large clump of trees blocked the rest of the island from view. If I didn't know better, I would have questioned the integrity of Ashley and Allegra's story.

"So, how long till Amancio finds me," I joked, though it was less of a joke and more of me voicing my worries. I hated to admit it, but Amancio scared me and I didn't want to think of what he would do if he caught me.

"Amancio won't find you here," Ashley said reassuringly, though her eyes never left my face. Probably wondering what exactly I'd been through.

"What was it like...in the palace?" Surprisingly, Allegra was the one who asked.

I told them everything, from the attack during The Choosing Ceremony, to The Royal Tour. I tried hard to calm the tears that welled in my eyes- to no avail.

Ashley watched me, disgust and pity in her eyes. Allegra however, was expressionless- though I wasn't sure she was capable of affection.

"I'm so sorry Madeline," Ashley whispered. From the look in her eyes, I knew she had faced her own share of horrors. And Allegra too- whose eyes refused to meet mine.

While I was narrating my odyssey, I hadn't noticed just how close we'd come to the island. It set a spark of hope in my heart. Maybe this was it. Maybe my story had some kind of twisted, happy ending after all.


The boat came to a halt at the sandy shores of the island. It felt so weird being this far away from Aridia City, this far away from the grasp of Amancio. It made me feel hopeful, free and a tad bit skeptical. I knew didn't have this much luck. Plus, I had a feeling Ashley and Allegra weren't being completely truthful about the nature of these Dark Bloods. How come I'd never heard of them?

"The camp's this way," Ashley beckoned for me to follow them deep into the woods.

"What's this camp like?" I asked, even though I was to see it for myself in a few minutes. I'd heard about rebels who resided in 'camps', some living on the outskirts of Aridia in literal tents while others lived in forgotten buildings.

"Different types of people, different ages, some are Aridian- some aren't. We live together, away from the wars, the dictatorship, the glamor of Aridia," Allegra explained, as they walked. "I've lived here since I was 15."

I wanted to press on further, ask how she ended up here but I doubt she was in the mood to tell me her life story.

"Allegra! Ashley, you're back!" The voice of a child, a girl not more than 13, squealed.

The girl looked almost identical to Allegra, despite the fact that she was noticeably younger. She had the same milky caramel skin, long curly her and pretty bone structure.

The girl stopped in her tracks, almost tripping on her scuffed boots. She stared at me wide-eyed, mouth agape. She suddenly shook her head, as if escaping from a trance, before bowing.

"Oh...there's no need to bow," I said, awkwardly.

"Technically, you are still Queen of Aridia," Ashley offered.

I wondered what had happened to Ashley's ambitions. Did she still want to be Queen of Aridia? Did she still have feelings for Carlos? Or rather, the real question was, did she ever?

"Madeline, this is my sister, Aviva, you can say she's a big fan of yours," Allegra rolled her eyes.

Aviva moved closer towards me and grabbed my hands. "I knew you would win The Choice- those other Ladies didn't stand a chance."

"Hey!" Ashley took mock offence.

"Although Ashley did come quite close," Aviva giggled. I could see that Aviva and Ashley were good friends, probably even close to sisters.

"Now run along, Avi, Madeline needs to get settled," Allegra said, sternly.

"You should watch out, Prince Carlos has been worried sick waiting for her to arrive," Aviva grinned, rolling her eyes knowingly.

Suddenly it was hard for me to breathe. "W-what did you say?"

I had not forgotten about Carlos' demise, but rather, I'd pushed it far back into a part of my mind where it did not threaten to consume me.

"It was meant to be a surprise but-," Ashley began, as Allegra shot daggers at Aviva.

"Carlos is dead, Amancio...," I started, until I realised. Amancio'd lied to me. It all made sense now. His reaction at dinner, the way the colour drained from his face. Carlos didn't die. He'd escaped.

Hey guys! Chapter 74 as promised

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Hey guys! Chapter 74 as promised. Sorry for not posting for a while, I was soooo busy with school and tests- but I got good grades so it paid off. I've been on a week-long break which ends on Sunday- when I have to go back to boarding school🥲. Not sure when or if I'll be able to post then, but stay alert this week.

What do you think of Allegra, and this chapter in general? Don't forget to vote, comment and share xx.

Lots of love,


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