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(Uhh idk this chapter kinda hurts.)

Amity POV
I woke up in Luz's arms again this week but this time it was almost pitch black in her room. I looked up to see Luz dead asleep clinging to me like I child with a teddy bear. Her body heat was so warm and I could hear her breathing softly. I looked back down into the darkness of her room before closing my eyes where it was just as dark. 'Shit my mom it going to kill me when I get home tomorrow, is snuggling with Luz really worth that.' I thought. Luz pulled me tighter to her and sighed happily in her sleep. "Ha yup yea so worth it!"  I whispered a blush on my face. I opened my eyes and looked back up at her though I could only make out the outline of her face. I grabbed her face and pulled our foreheads together. "What are we now my love? Are we still 'friends' or could we be more? Maybe we should stay friends though. I wish I could see what you are thinking in that beautiful brain of your's." I smiled and kissed her forehead sweetly.

I had probably lay in Luz's arms for a couple hours just thinking about her and us, until the sun started to come up. Luz leaned down and kissed my forehead. I realized she was awake and looked up at her. she smiled at me lovingly. "Hey there Blight, nice bed head." Her voice was kinda groggy and soft from just waking up, but nonetheless did it make my heart stop. 'This could be our every morning we could be together like this for real.' My imagination ran with the idea and thoughts of me and Luz in love together filled my brain. "Blight you good thar." She asked raising an eyebrow at me. "Oh me yea I'm great." I squealed out as I tried to shake the thoughts from my brain. She giggled and kissed me. 'Titan I love how her lips feel on mine.'  Slowly Luz's happy expression faded away and became distant "Hey are you ok, Noceda?" I asked and put a hand on her cheek. She forced a smile at me then got up to get dressed. I also got re-dressed.

Luz barely talked the whole way to school that was really odd. I asked her what's wrong but she said nothing but knew something was wrong so I held her hand till we got to school where I let go so it wouldn't look suspicious. and walked over to our friends but Luz just kept walking pulling up the collar of her jacket to cover the love marks I gave her.

The day went bye with me making small uncomfortably vague talk with Luz. Gus was rambling about something, I don't know what it was about I was to busy thinking about what was going on with Luz. 'What if she doesn't really like me, she just wanted a good time!? What No that's stupid to think I know Luz better then that. What if she regrets last night? I am going to have to talk to her about this.'

I told my siblings to go home without me especially because I knew what I was going to get when I got home. The thought of it sent a shiver down my spine. I followed Luz in her direction. "Hey Noceda." I said jogging to catch up to her. "What Blight?" She sounded annoyed. "I uhh just wanted to see if you want to hang out or something." I said grabbing her shoulder to keep her from speed walking away but she shrugged me off. "I uhh, no I don't want to hang out with you." She exclaimed not looking away from the ground. I stood there for a second before nodding and walking away holding back tears. Sometimes I hate having emotions, sometimes I miss the numb feeling I had gotten so used to.

When I got home geez mother had it in for me. Being called a disgrace, mistake and a whore by my own mom was almost half as bad and the stinging feeling in my face. I stumbled into my room blood dipped from my nose but I just wiped it away and sat down. I looked in the mirror staring at the ugly long hair green hair my mother made me have. It was one of the only things she complemented about me when I kept it long and dyed. I grabbed the scissors out of my drawer. I held them up to my hair, but I couldn't do it. I chucked the scissors across the room and they hit the wall then bounced to the floor. I flopped on my bed and cried like a fucking baby. the blood from my nose mixed with tears and mascara so I looked crazy, pathetic and ugly, just like mother thinks I am. 

I passed out after a while and when I woke up it was dark and raining. But I had made one decision no matter what wether I am going to go tell Luz how I feel.

(Hey dudes so I uhh was gunna give you more to this chapter but it got deleted.)

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