Boscha's apology

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I woke up the next morning and I still can't believe Amity kissed me, ok yeah sure it was a dare but still. I got up from my bed and went down stairs to make breakfast.

I walked into the kitchen to see Eda with a cup of apple blood and King with a stuffed animal in his arms. I walked over to him and picked him up snuggling him into my arms "who's my cute little guy" he looked at me and sighed "I am, aren't I " I just hugged him closer. Eda looked over "hey kid mind if I head out I have to go somewhere?" "oh yea no problem it will be a me and king day then." King Squealed "A bobo buddy day!" Eda smiled and walked out of the house. Hooty pushed open the door " Heeeeyyyyy guyyyyssss don't forget I'm here too, hoot hoot." "Oh yea Hooty."I said

It's been an hour since Eda left me, king and hooty were playing Hexes holdem and hooty started choking on a card. "Just keep trying to get it back up hooty!" I said hitting his tube body "avoid the paper cuts too!" I added. "Ewwwww" king said at he stood on the couch. Finally hooty choked up the card. "Oh thank goddess."

"Eww what the fuck is wrong with that bird thing?" I turned around to see Boscha cringing. Willow and Amity were standing next to her. "Oh nothing Hooty just uhh had a little choking problem." Thay walked past hooty and into the house. "I'm going to go talk to my friend Fly now!" Hooty said shutting the door

"Hey what are they doing here, I thought this was a you and me day Luz." Amity leans over and whispered something to him I couldn't here he only sighed and pated her on the shoulder before sitting down in her lap. And honestly It was kinda cute. I smiled at them. I looked over and asked what they were doing here and that made Willow elbow Boscha in the side. She walked over to me "hey so look Luz I was kinda an asshole when I was younger, but I changed for Willow so for the better. So maybe could you forgive me please" I smiled at her " you were a complete ass in the past. But I think people can change so yea I forgive you, and hey maybe we can even be friends." She smiled wide before walking back over to Willow. They all got ready to leave. But I didn't want them to leave yet.

"Hang on, wait guys do you maybe want to stay and hang out with me and King?"
They all smiled and nodded sitting down on the couch. " Deal me in for the next round of Hexes holdem." Willow said. "Me to." Boscha added. I looked over at Amity with pouting face. "Ok fine I'll play to, just don't give me the card that bird tube choked up." Amity said petting king, and I smiled happily.

Just then I remembered that Eda had gotten me a scroll early this week and I could finally have my friends numbers. " hey guys so I got like a scroll so uhh do you maybe want to give me your numbers?" Amity quickly reached out and grabbed my scroll she put in her number thought for a sec typed some more then handed it to Willow followed by Boscha who looked at me " Do you uhh want my number too?" I nodded. " yea why not."  She put in her number and then handed me the scroll.

I looked at the names thay had put in. Boscha just put her name, Willow 🌱 had put her name then some plant emojis, and Blight🧡🤍💖put her last name then hearts in the lesbian flag colors did that mean she liked girls omg did that mean I had a chance. I looked up at her and she just smiled at me 'god she is just so Beautiful' " Si fuiste mía, porque eres la mujer más bella que he visto." What did she just say?" Boscha asked. "It's some type of human language I think." Amity said. I just smiled at her before starting the game to avoid the topic.
(Hey guys so if any of y'all were wondering what Amity said to king. She said "yea I want a day alone with Luz to." And if you want to know what Luz said to Amity she said " if only you were mine, because you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.")

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