Truth or dare

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(Omt I'm so happy people actually like this story, I frl thought y'all would hate it or something)

Amity POV still
Before I knew Luz had dragged me over to the middle of the living room where people were sitting waiting for the game to start. Most people had ether left or gone somewhere to hookup so there was about 15 or so people left to play. Me and Luz and I sat down on the carpet along with Boscha, Willow and some other teens that probably went to hexside. Ed and Em were on the couch with some other random teens.

I watched as as they all went around daring and asking each other stupid things. after Willow's dare was done she looked at me and Luz. "Amity, truth or dare?" I looked at her with a cocky smile " Dare, I'm not a wimp." She smiled even more now, that almost made me regret my decision. "I dare you to kiss Luz." She said. My eyes went wide. "WhAt" Luz squeaked her face was bright red. Willow looked at us and shrugged, still smiling. I looked over at Luz and winked "this is probably the only time I'm going to kiss you, so you better like it" I said but inside I felt like I was going to explode. I could feel my face start to heat up so I took that as my time. I leaned foreword grabbing her shirt and her lips hit mine. They felt warm soft and tingly did she have peppermint chapstick on, there was also some other kind of zing feeling. I was about to pull away when I felt Luz's hand grad my waist. So I stayed in the best kiss of my life for a few seconds longer. If everyone else wasn't watching I would have stayed with my lips on hers forever but it was going to start to look suspicious.

I pulled back looking at Luz's eyes there was clear shock but a bit of excitement. She smiled her face bright red and so was mine but shoved it down and let go of her shirt leaning back to an upright sitting position. It was my turn to truth or dare someone now. I looked at Willow hoping to get revenge. "Willow, you want to wimp out with a truth or are you gunna take a dare?" "Dare." She said "ok I dare you to.... be locked in a closet with Boscha for the rest of the game." "Fine by me" she said walking to the closet Boscha trailing along behind her "but I didn't get a turn yet." Boscha said pouting " oh come on hon I have something better then this game." They both smiled and as I locked the closet behind them.

The game continued normally slowly people begin to leave and after a while it was just me, Edric, Emira and Luz. Willow and boscha wear still here they just stayed in the closet though. Ed and Em got up "mabe we should start cleaning this place" Ed said " since when were you that responsible" I asked "oh we aren't. Mittens can you make and abomination to clean the house up please?" He added. I rolled my eye but made a pink circle with my finger giving the abominations command it began to clean. "Thanks mittens, me and Ed are just gunna head upstairs now. Have fun with your girlfriend." She said grabbing Ed's arm dragging him up the stairs. "She is not my girlfriend!" I yelled to them but they wear already gone.

Luz looked at me and smiled "you know Blight you're really not a bad kisser." I could feel my face start to get hot "oh I... do you have on peppermint chapstick?" I asked trying to make my blush calm down. "Oh yea, I like the way it makes my lips all tingly and stuff." She said looking away blushing.

Suddenly she gasped " sweater weather!"  and a cute happy dumb smile came to her face "I love this song!" She said. Pointing out the music that I didn't know was even still playing on the speakers. "Do you want to dance with me?" She said getting up and reaching out her hand. I nodded grabbing her hand. She sang along to the song. "And all I am is a man I want the world in my hands." she twirled me around. "I hate the beach but I stand in California with my toes in the sand." then I spun back into her arms. Use the sleeves of  my sweater, let's have an adventure." and I swear to Titan that I was about to have a heart attack.  But it was all worth it because I was dancing with Luz my.....Friend.?

(Hey so like happy New Years have a good day. be gay and do witchcraft you know how it goes)

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