Chapter 5

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Time Skip (3 hours)

Jimin POV

Back at the police station, I spent the next few hours checking the background of every detective in the narcotics unit. My best guess was that someone who had access to the drug evidence storage area could be the leak. After eliminating Namjoon hyung, Yoongi hyung, and Taehyung there were still about 15 possible suspects. I was able to narrow down my list to four once I cross-referenced everyone's shift, record, and the dates of the crimes: Chi-won Kim, Min Ho, Jae-beom Jung, and Kyuhyun Lee.

I wracked my brain trying to think of another way for me to figure out the culprit when I got an email alert. I quickly opened my email tab on my computer as I set aside my documents. My face grew pale and sweat started dripping down my back as my eyes scanned the message. The email read:

Attn: Detective Park

I hope this email finds you well Mr. Park. If you know what's good for you, you'll stop investigating the Freedom Fighters. My source tells me that you're looking for a leak inside the station. But you can trust me when I say that you don't want to interfere with our operations. Just take this as a warning. We won't hesitate to...dispose of any threats.

Especially those who have betrayed our trust!


So many things were going through my head. Anger, fear, disgust, and a little bit of helplessness. I still haven't found the leak and now I was being sent threatening emails. As I skimmed over the content again to look for clues, I noticed that there was a picture attached. I clicked on the file and my eyes widened as a wave of panic consumed me.

It was a picture of me and Jungkook at the diner...

I could tell by looking at my informant's clothes that it was taken this morning. In the next instant I picked up my phone and holstered my weapon as I ran out of the station. My fingers fumbled with the keyboard as I tried to enter my password while running into the parking lot. I finally managed to unlock it as I got in the car and slammed the door shut. I inserted the key and turned on the car as I hit Jungkook's name in my recent calls list.

"Come on, Jungkook...please pick up," I muttered under my breath as I held the phone to my ear with my shoulder, rushing to buckle my seatbelt.

I flicked on my siren as I sped out of the lot and headed to the tattoo parlor. After a few rings, his voicemail rang in my ear, causing me to groan and throw my phone onto the passenger seat. My foot stepped on the gas pedal harder as I weaved around the scattered civilian cars. It took me about ten minutes to arrive, but I had made sure to turn off my siren several blocks away just in case. I didn't want to startle anyone or alarm the gang of my presence.

I pulled my vehicle around to the back of the building as I scouted the block for any suspicious activity. Seeing that the coast was clear, I grabbed my bulletproof vest from the back seat and swiftly drew my gun before running to the right side of the parlor. I finished strapping on my vest, which I thankfully kept in my car for emergencies, as I attempted to get a clear view of the inside.

My heart was beating so fast that it was pounding in my ears. I took a couple deep breaths as I cautiously peered in through the window. I gasped as I saw Jungkook surrounded by three men. He was being held by the two bulkier gentlemen while the other man, whom I identified to be the leader, yelled at him. I also took note that there were two guards at the front entrance keeping watch. My jaw clenched as I watched the leader punch Jungkook in the face.

I reigned in my anger as I tried to assess the situation and determine the best approach to rescue him. At that moment I realized that I had left the station without any back-up and nobody on my team knew where I was. Smart...real smart Jimin. I quickly grabbed my two-way radio to request immediate back-up to the tattoo parlor. I figured it would take them too long to arrive at this point, so I decided to try and diffuse the situation myself. I shook my head to clear my thoughts as I turned my attention back to saving Jungkook.

My eyes darted over to the entrance and I noticed that there were two men guarding the front door. They were separated from the other three by several rooms, so I could easily sneak over and knock them out without being seen. Fortunately neither man had a visible weapon, so I decided to rely on my years of martial arts training to take them down.

I stealthily ducked under the three side windows before bolting to the front of the building and peeking around the corner. The closed sign was hanging crookedly on the left door, most likely to prevent customers from interrupting their interrogation. I holstered my weapon as I tried to think of a distraction to get them outside. My instincts automatically kicked in as I spotted a jagged rock laying in the grass a few feet away. I grabbed the sharp object and made a rather long incision on my forearm. I hissed in pain while I smeared the blood on my neck and arms before falling near the entrance, in plain view of the gang members.

A few seconds later I heard one of the guards swing the door open to see what had happened. I stayed still as I barely opened my eyes, watching as he searched the area. I kept an eye on him as he cautiously approached me before kneeling next to my head. Just as he reached out towards my neck, I grabbed his arm and dislocated his shoulder in one swift movement. He screamed in pain, but his cries were muffled by my hand which had quickly covered his mouth. I then cuffed his hands together behind his back just as the second guard bolted out the door with a knife in his hand. His eyes widened as he saw his friend on the ground, losing consciousness from the pain.

When he started to sprint towards me, I turned to face him with my arms up in a defensive stance. Just before he reached me, I did a round house kick to knock the knife from his hand and then proceeded to tackle him to the ground. We wrestled back and forth for a few seconds, but the man was larger than me so he easily rolled us and was able to get on top of me. I moved to deliver a palm strike, but he grabbed my wrists and pinned them to the ground.

"You must be detective Park!" he gritted out as he squeezed my wrists. I whimpered as more blood oozed out of my left forearm. "We've got your little snitch in there," he continued. I squirmed trying to loosen his grip but he shifted himself into a sitting position on top of my abdomen. I closed my eyes as I struggled to think of a way out of his tight grip. "Boss is gonna make him pay," he chuckled with a devilish smirk. My eyes shot open as I glared at him, overwhelmed with rage and fear at the mention of them harming Jungkook. I refused to give up, especially when my informant needed me.

I planted my feet on the ground and then bucked my hips up with all my might as I pushed him off of me. He ended up tumbling to the side and I used my flexibility to kick him in the face. The force of my kick caused him to lose his grip on my wrists and allowed me to yank my hands free. We both made eye contact briefly just as he retrieved his knife and aimed it at my face. Thankfully I was able to roll out of the way just in time, the knife plunging into the grass instead.

"Feisty one, aren't you?" the man questioned darkly as he stumbled back to his feet.

I instantly executed a perfect kip up before whirling around to give him two powerful uppercuts to the throat followed by a knee to the groin. I finished him off with a leg sweep to the jaw, panting harshly as I watched him collapse next to his associate. Pulling my extra set of handcuffs from my uniform, I secured them around his wrists tightly.

"Nobody messes with my informant," I gritted out, watching as the man's eyes fluttered shut when he blacked out.

I took a few moments to catch my breath before standing up again. My heart pounded in my chest as I retrieved my gun and entered the parlor quietly. My eyes darted back and forth, scanning the shop area carefully to make sure I hadn't overlooked any other guards. As I got closer to the back room, I began to hear their voices get louder. My feet came to a dead stop as I heard a loud smack followed by Jungkook groaning in distress.

A/N: Jimin is such a badass! 😳😳 I hope you all enjoyed this update, but please let me know what you thought in the comments. I plan on adding another chapter later this week, possibly in the next 1-2 days, so be on the look out! Thank you 💜💜

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