Part 25: The Rumor Mill

Start from the beginning

It could be just a coincidence they left at the same time. Why should he care either way?


Sitting in Slughorn's he looks over his potion's recipe for Episky and studies the ingredients. Hermione sat up front- as far away from him as possible.

Good. She finally listens.

"Ah, Mr. Zabini- what can I do you for?" Blaise walks up and hands the Professor a piece of parchment. Looking at it, he looks back at Blaise and then at Hermione. Blaise turns and leaves the room, while Horace Slughorn goes over and whispers something to Hermione- who gets up with haste and leaves class.

She doesn't return and it sort of has Draco curious.

Did something happen? Is she in trouble? And why is Blaise the one fetching her?

Why should I care?

I don't.


As the day drags on, class after class- break after break- whispers keep flying around him like flies on shit.

Finally sitting in the library trying to study for Ancient Runes- Draco over hears three girls- a Hufflepuff, a Ravenclaw, and a Slytherin all discussing something juicy.  They aren't as quiet as they are trying to be and he over hears everything clearly.

"I saw them this morning coming out of a broom cupboard."

"A broom cupboard?! Seriously? When?"

"During first class. I was on my way to the lavatory, when I saw them come out- her hair a mess, shirt partly unbuttoned- tie eschew. Not to mention her lipstick smeared." The Hufflepuff says.

"I heard he was...standing at attention after their little tryst in the boy's lavitory during lunch time. Ernie McMillian said he was so distracted by the size of him poking against his trousers. He had to excuse himself and he only came back after ten minutes." The Ravenclaw coos.

"Yeah well, at least someone is getting some....kinda a low blow if you think about it though." The Slytherin states as Draco buries his face farther in his book- but his ears still very much on the conversation.

"Right! What is it with her and Slytherin's? I mean first the one...and now his best Mate. She must be desperate...or just a slag."

"Obviously she's a slag of the saint herself is skipping classes to have a snog...could be a shag as well though- considering his constant arousal."

"Can you imagine?"

"His size?"

"No- the look on Malfoy's face when he finds out his best friend is fucking Granger."


"Oh, he's gonna flip. Blow a gasket- he will. I almost feel sorry for him. After what she did to him." The Hufflepuff states.

"Yeah- taking advantage of his situation and everything. Then beating him to near death. She's not only a slag for jumping from guy to guy- but she's also psychotic." The Ravenclaw closes her book.

"I heard from Katie that she saw Hermione blowing Blaise before third class. Said she had cum dripping down her chin."

His fire burns brighter in his chest with every word the girls say. Standing up, he feigns ignorance and walks passed them. They all quietly gasp before continuing.

"I don't know what she ever saw in him anyway. I mean look at him. Fucking pathetic...what happened to him?" The Ravenclaw bites.

"He's just a waste- if he ever thought he and Granger had a chance- he should've known better. Fucking dreamer." The Slytherin hisses and Draco just ignores them and heads towards his common room.

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