Chapter 30 (Digger's POV)

Start from the beginning

"Piss off, I've had enough of the bullshit. I've talked to you about this issue, Dakota has talked to you too, clearly you just don't give a shit for anyone but yourself. Be happy, you've pushed- I'm out, gone," I snort a laugh as I stare at him, standing up. Snake's eyes drop to my chest before he frowns.

"Dig, where's your cut?" Snake asks eyes darting between us, his words give Axel pause. I'm starting to think he's looking for a fight at this stage of the game.

"Until dickhead get's over whatever his problem is and stops spewing shit about Dakota; I'm not apart of this fucking club anymore. You don't respect my woman- you don't respect me; I don't need that shit from you," I snarl.

"Fuck you! You don't get to step down from your position." I laugh shoving him away from my bike and myself.

"Like hell I can't! You want to treat my woman and I like dog shit- then you can eat it. You can't expect me to take this shit laying down; I talked- we both talked to you and you've only proven you only give a rats ass about yourself. Why should I give a damn about you? Huh?" I shove him again, he stumbles and swings, his fist glides into my jaw rocking my world.

"Woah!" Snake jumps into action, his shock ending at the first punch.

"Go to hell! I don't want her tainted ass near me or my club; you're the one sleeping with the devil," he spits venom. Tainted ass? Sleeping with the devil? His words only add fuel to the already enormous fire, I swing back pleased to feel his head rock back.

"Piss up a rope, she's cleaned up one of your messes; now she's got the cartel gunning for her. You're just pissed she's had to come save your skin- twice now," I spit back.

"Boys, cool your jets- we all need to take a breather," Snake calls holding Axel back as he tries to get back to me.

"Her whole family is a breeding grown for tainted trash; especially that fucking mother of hers. Lay down with dogs and get up with fleas; you'll see what kind of garbage she is," he shouts making me see red. You dirty bastard.

"You're calling her garbage? That's priceless! You're shit talking her entire family; did you forget what asshole she had to handle for you? You've gotten so high up on your high horse you've forgotten where you've came from; where this fucking club came from," I hiss leaning over Snake as he tries his best to keep us both apart. Crow comes out of the bar phone in hand with a frown before his expression changes and he starts jogging towards us coming to save Axel as I punch him again, shoving Snake out of my way.

He needs to learn a fucking lesson. "She didn't take care of shit, he's off playing fuck fuck somewhere," he snarls and the brawl ensues. This stupid, ignorant prick. Crow and Snake both work to separate us.

"She's right, you are a dense prick. She handled him, she's even covering from flack that could blow back; all so your sorry ass can bitch and her. She's not like you, she's not a pussy and isn't afraid to get dirt on her hands," I spit blood at his feet watching his eyes widen before they narrow. Yeah, I went there fucker. Even when Angel was taken, or handed back to her captors he stood back and let others get dirty. All about keeping a pristine image now. Even when the town needs a dark martyr.

I need a ride more than she does. "What?" I scoff at his expression.

"You went to her for help. She helped you and didn't expect shit in return; she kept her word... more than you ever kept your word to her." I shake my head, stepping back as I wipe the blood from my split brow. "I don't want to hear shit from you Axel, not unless it's an apology." Even then I'm not sure it'll matter anymore.

"Digger, wait," Snake calls as I start my bike and he tries to wave me down. Fuck this I need to talk to Dakota. Years of friendship broken because of his own asinine viewpoints; unwilling to open his eyes and look around at the reality. I don't understand what his grudge is with her mother specifically; Dakota never talks about her, neither does Clyde. I have enough sense to know that it's not my can of worms to crack into.

Though, after today I might have to get nosey just to see what the happened that made them mortal enemies. I need my woman. Naturally my bike and I steer towards the Ranch following the open road straight to where my heart desires. Stopping in front of the barn I kill my engine, watching Clyde look towards me through a coughing fit before he wipes his mouth with a tissue, the white cloth stained reddish brown. "Damn boy, what on earth did you get into? Everything alright?"

He clears his throat while stuffing the tissue back into his pocket. That can't be good. "Yeah, I had a blow out with Axel," I explain climbing off my bike, he chuckles lightly, shaking his head.

"He better look worse than you do: Kota might have some issues if he doesn't," he chuckles watching me head for the stairs. I feel like I can breathe again.

"Don't worry, he looks twice as bad," I assure him, knocking on the door, keeping her warning in mind. She looks sexy carrying, I don't want to be looking down the barrel at her again.

"Come in," I push the door open to greet her when I stare at four new faces. Did I miss something here? I stare at them for a moment before looking at her, her brow arched and a frown in her eyes. "You look different," she comments, turning in her chair. Don't remind me.

"Fucking Axel," I grunt, listening to one of the men chuckling, eyes glittering with humor as he smirks at Dakota.

"Kode, do you need to go back to those anger management classes?" She gives him a look, her lip twitching to smirk.

"Listen prick, that's not my hand work. I know how to throw a punch, do you need a refresher?" He laughs, raising his hands.

"Wait a minute, that's your Cowboy! Ooh secrets outta the bag little lady," another man laughs, she snorts rolling her eyes as she smirks.

"Muck it up fucktards, get out before I bust your asses." She jerks her head towards the door, the four chuckle heading for the door with grins. I missed something big here.

"Who the hell are they?" I ask watching the door shut, steps shake the metal steps before the door reopens.

"Have fun on your ride," he taunts reaching in to lock the door, Dakota laughs, covering her mouth as she shakes her head as he shuts it.

"I love those assholes," she chuckles, standing to lean on her desk, her eyes taking in my beat up form, she holds her bandana and soaks it, pointing to a seat in front of her. "Those boys were in my unit. Now what the hell did Axel do?" She asks using her bandana to wipe blood from my face.

"I quit," I announce, her hand pauses as she waits for me to continue.

"Care to clarify some for me Cowboy?" I grab her waist pulling her to straddle me.

"The MC."

"That's big, what happened?" She hums, tender in her clean up duty.

"Axel and his loud mouth," I sigh, "can I ask you something?" Dakota nods wiping at my split brow.

"Shoot, what do you want to know, Cowboy?"

"What did your Mom do? Axel mentioned her today," I ask quietly, watching her eyes meet mine, brows shooting up as she frowns.

"That's his problem?" She scoffs, rolling her eyes in disbelief. This is going to get interesting.

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