56. The Last Year

Start from the beginning

I sit talking with George and Lee about all of the joke shop products whilst the girls continue talking and y/n just sleeps the whole time.

A few hours pass and the sun outside was setting.

"Y/n, you need to get up beautiful." I say and her eyes start fluttering opening.

Readers POV

"Do I need to get changed?" I ask Fred.

"Yeah and you can put your new captain badge on there." He says so me with a smile.

"Yeah, I'll go and do that." I say putting a small but most likely an unconvincing smile on my face.

"I'll come with you." Melody says.

"Okay." I say getting my uniform that I had already pinned my captain badge to.

We walk to the toilets that have a few changing booths in, and I get changed rather quickly, then stepping out with a bag of my clothes I was previously wearing and look in the mirror. I didn't look myself, I knew that, I was loosing weight rather rapidly from barely eating, my lips dry and bags under my eyes. Melody then walks out and gives me a smile.

"I look ill don't I?" I say, gesturing to myself, mostly my face.

"Kind of, yes. You went through a few big life events one after the other, you'll be okay, it takes time to heal." She says hugging me.

We return back to the compartment to see Jack and Angelina there. Angelina had a look of surprise on her face when she saw me and I knew it's because of they way I looked right now.

"I know, I look ill and no we aren't talking about it." I say shutting down the conversation before it starts.

"Just come and sit down." Fred says and I sit next him.

"Somethings changed." Katie says.

"Yeah, you don't seem right." Alicia says.

"Stuff happened over the summer, that's all I have to say, I don't feel like talking about it right now." I say.

"So the others know then?" Lee asks.

"Yes, but it's something you wouldn't want to know anyway." I say leaning my head.

"It is really personal." Jack said.

"Why do they get to know then?" Angelina asks.

"Guys look this isn't an interrogation, y/n really doesn't need it." George says.

"But -" Angelina starts to say.

"Seriously? No!" Melody says.

"If you really want I'll tell you" I start saying before Fred suddenly interrupts me.

"Are you sure that's what you want? Are you ready?" He asked, which made me think a bit, but I suppose I could do with the most support possible.

"Promise this isn't going anywhere?" Katie, Alicia, Angelina and Lee all nod. "Also, I don't want the pity show."

"Okay." Angelina says rather confused.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now