Incorrect SKZ quotes (Part 1)

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A/N: I'm sorry I just got a sudden writer's block that's why this chapter.....

Hyunjin: The real question is, what type of word is yeet?

Hyunjin: is it a verb? Can you yeet away?

Jisung: is it an adverb? Can you do something yeetily?

Changbin: what if it's a noun? Can you become a yeet?

Chan: it's 3 am can you-

Lucy: Hang on a second Chan, they have a very valid point. Please continue

Chan: Alright what do you want for your birthday?

Lucy: A bird

Chan: But I can't-

Lucy: I said I want a bird

Lucy: when I become a secret spy I'm gonna be agent C

Lucy: Tell everyone I'm spy-c

Lucy: I'm willing to do a lot of things

Lucy: But admitting that I'm cold after Chan told me to bring a jacket isn't one of them.

Changbin: Are you okay?

Lucy: yea I'm fine

Changbin: what does 'fine' mean?

Lucy: it means I'm perfectly content but also wouldn't mind if the sun exploded right now and killed us all.

Jeongin: Is four a lot?

Lucy: Depends on the context. Dollars? No. Bodies? Yes.

Jisung: You remind me of Saturn but you're missing one thing....

Jisung, sinking down on one knee: a ring, will you marry me?


Minho: are you calling me round?

Seungmin: Why are you smiling?

Lucy: what? Can't I just be happy?

Minho: Hyunjin tripped and fell in the parking lot.

Felix: What's a Thot?

Changbin: A thoughtful person

*Later at dinner*

Felix: Can you pass the salt?

Lucy: here you go

Felix: Thanks, you're such a thot!

Chan: *spits water he was drinking*

Minho: I'm so unlucky, Mr. Kim is so strict

Lucy: Yeah, I heard that Lucy is transfering to another school

Minho: you or the other one?

Lucy: The other one of course! You think I'd speak about myself in third person?

Minho: Minho does that sometimes



Lucy: I panic when people compliment me

Lucy: what the hell am I supposed to say?

Jisung: Great job at practice today!

Lucy, panicking: uh....uh....MERRY CHRISTMAS!

A/N: enough I guess? I dunno

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