I head home to find no Kakashi and no dinner. I wanted to go to bed early because of the exam tomorrow. I was just about to go to the kitchen to make something easy when I hear the front door open and the smell of food fills the house. “Yuki you home?” Kakashi asks as he walks to the kitchen. “Yep.” I say as I pop the p. I get out plates and we eat. When I’m done I go to bed and fall asleep easily. I get up early the next morning and eat alone. Kakashi comes down not long after I do. “Good luck today. I want to walk with you to the exam but I can’t.” he says as he eats. He had to meet with his team to get the permission forms and I have to meet Rose-sensei for the same reason. “So is it still a secret that I’m your kid?” I ask. Kakashi gives a small laugh. “You’ll see soon. Now get going or you’ll be late.” Kakashi says before ruffling my hair. I take off and meet with my team.

          We follow the other teams and I see Sasuke fighting with Rock Lee. They were making us all look bad. There were whispers and people pointed at our team. “I’ve never seen them before what village are they from?” a girl in purple asks Sakura. “Ino that’s Yuki. She’s from our village.” Sakura says before waving my team over. We walk over much to Zaku’s unwillingness. “Hey Sakura, Naruto, Sasuke.” I say. Naruto holds out his hand for a high five and I give it to him. Sasuke gives me a half hug before backing away because of the look Ino and Sakura give me. “We’re friends you know this Sakura. Really if I didn’t know better I would think you’re jealous of your old teammate.” I say. she sighs and pulls me closer to them. “I’m not jealous I just don’t get why he acts so casual around you.” Sakura says.

          I sigh and look over at my team for help. Zaku walks over and pulls me over to Mai and then drags us away. Gaara walks over with his two friends who I find out is his team. “Yuki.” Gaara says. “Gaara.” I say. we have a silent staring contest before he walks away. Kiba comes running up to me not much later and Akamaru licks my leg. “Back off.” Zaku growls when Kiba goes to hug me. He was fine with my old team but I didn’t know Kiba well and Zaku was trying to keep his team safe. Kiba runs over to his team but Akamaru stays with me whimpering. I pick him up and pet him before looking around for Kiba. “Zaku I’m going to give Kiba his dog back then we can go to the room for the exam is that ok with you?” I ask. Zaku nods and watches me walk over to Kiba who was panicking and looking around. “Kiba you need to keep a better eye on your dog. I might not be around to find him next time.” I say as I hand him Akamaru. Kiba laughs and gives me a goofy grin. “I think Akamaru likes you and that’s why your finding him.” Kiba says.

          I sigh then head back over to my team. We walk to the exam room. the rules are explained and I sit there looking at the test. ‘You’re too young to know any of this. How do they expect you to pass this? It’s way pass your level of knowledge. Good thing you have me right Yuki?’ Yoriko says. ‘Right Yoriko. So what’s first?’ I ask. She tells me what I need to know and I write. I must look funny spacing out then writing down my answer. A lot of teams were kicked out but so far most of our village was still there. I feel a hand tap my shoulder as I was talking to Yuriko and look behind me to see Ibiki. He gives me a half smile like I had done something wrong. I frown and shake my head as if knowing he was going to ask me and my team to leave but he didn’t. he walked away and by the end of the exam my team and I were still there.

          When Ibiki said that we could leave if we think we didn’t pass Zaku shot Mai and I a look that said get up and we will be killed. Rose-sensei had told us that we were useless if we couldn’t even make it throw the first part of the exam and would kill us for it. I nod silently letting Zaku know I understood and Mai did the same thing. I caught Sasuke’s eye and he gave me the get out now I don’t want to see you get hurt look. I sighed and looked forward. Then a woman burst into the room and complains about how many of us where still there. We were free to go get what we needed for the second part and I stand to leave but Ibiki stops me. “Is there something you need from me?” I ask in a sweet voice hoping that would help me get out of here faster.

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