↳eight | kissing

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chapter eightkissing

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chapter eight

The blue jeep pulled up infront of a big fence.

Scott had told Delilah and Stiles that he had went to Derek. Stiles wasn't to keen on the idea of his best friend going to ask for advice from someone you he thought had killed someone but it was the only way for Scott to remember.

Delilah was sat in the back seat while Scott was in the passenger seat beside Stiles. The three hopped out of the car, quietly closing the doors.

"Hey, no, just me. Someone needs to keep watch" Scott's voice echoed.

"How come in always the guy keeping watch?" Stiles said as she started to climb the fence.

Scott quickly pulled him down. "Because that means Delilah would be out here alone. And i don't want that, do you?" Scott asked the boy.

Stiles huffed "Okay, why's it starting to feel like you're Batman and I'm robin?" Stiles pointed at his friend.

"Then what am i?" Delilah butted in.

"Eh, I don't know? What do you want to be" Stiles asked her.

Before she could open her mouth Scott spoke.

"Nobody's Batman and Robin any of the time"

"Not even some of the time?" Stiles groaned.

"Just. Say. Here" Scott said impatiently.

"Oh, my god! Fine" Stiles said, walking away from the fence and back to his car.

As Scott started to climb the fence, Delilah turned back to Stiles and followed him towards the car.

Stiles was sitting in the front seat as Delilah took her seat at the back.

"So Delilah, are we still gonna hang out?" Stiles asked the girl awkwardly.

"I mean, yeah If you still want to" She replied making a smile spread across his face.

There was a silence for awhile, Delilah just stared at the boy in the front seat.

Every since the words hang out fell from Stiles' mouth, Delilah couldn't stop questioning her feeling towards the boy.

"Do you think Scott with remember?" She asked him, filling the silence.

"I don't know, maybe" Stiles signed.

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