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chapter twohidden

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chapter two

Delilah looked in the mirror. She tried to cover up the red hand mark that was covering her small neck. She had experience with covering up bruises because this had happened before. Stiles would always come and collect Delilah in the mornings, she had a couple minutes before Stiles would show up.

She grabbed her foundation and started applying it over the markings on her neck, before she was finished cover the last bruise she heard a small knock on the door. Quickly, she grabbed her bag and rushed down stairs, putting in her trainers and openings the door revealing Stiles on the other side.

"Did you get home in time for you know?" He asked while the pair walked over to the blue jeep.

"Oh uh yup, he actually didn't show up but you know" she nervously spoke.

Stiles nodded as he started his car and drove towards the school.

"Okay, let's see this thing" Stiles said, looking at Scott's lower stomach.

Scott lifted up his shirt revealing a huge bandage stuck to his stomach.

"Oh my god Scott what happened" Delilah asked her brother.

"It was too dark to see much, but I'm pretty sure it was a wolf" Scott stated.

"A wolf bit you?" The boy with a buzz cut confirmed.

"Uh-Huh" Scott answered picking up his bag.

"No, not a chance" Stiles said with a laugh.

"I heard a wolf howling?" Scott said with a confused expression.

"No you didn't" Stiles said back to him.

Delilah gave the boy a confused face. "What do you mean 'no he didn't' how do you know what he heard?" She stated confidentiality.

Stiles laughed "because California doesn't have wolves,okay? Not in like 60 years" he stopped infront of the twins.

"Really?" Scott asked his best friend.

"Yes, really there are no wolves in California" he answered back still standing i front of his friends.

"Well if you don't believe me about the wolf them your definitely not gonna believe me when i tell you" he paused "I found the body" he expressed.

"Are you kidding me?" Delilah expressed.

"No, I wish I'm going to be having nightmares for a month" he said with a disgusting expression.

"Oh god, that is awesome" Stiles laughed. "I mean, this is seriously gonna be the best thing that's happened to this town since—" he paused looking at the certain red head walk past the group. "Since the birth of Lydia Martin. Hey Lydia you loo—" he was cut off by Lydia stopping infront of Delilah.

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